The Daily Om

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Meditation For Prosperity

It's been a while, but I'm posting a meditation technique that I just learned. By the way, I also just discovered this website and you can check more helpful articles like this there too. Good luck with this and I'll let you know how it works for me--only tried it once briefly.

Til next time, be prepared for the best.

Background of Prosperity Meditation Technique:
Recently I have received many requests to provide a meditation technique for prosperity and wealth. The guided meditation technique in this article not only meets that requirement, but in fact does a great deal more for you as well. My views on money on the path to enlightenment and views on how to choose and manifest your desires, can be read in the following 2 articles: Money Money Money Mantra and the Path to Enlightenment and The 4 Keys Laws to Manifest Desire if You Absolutely Must. If you feel money and wealth are indeed needed by you at this time of your life, then by all means use this potent meditation technique to manifest them.
This powerful meditation technique utilizes many different components of Kundalini Yoga and Yoga Philosophy to work its magic. It uses the power of mantra (sound/thought vibration), yoga mudras (hand positions to facilitate certain states of consciousness), pranayama (breath control techniques), in conjunction with yogic body techniques to fulfill its purpose. Thus, this unique meditation can also be categorized as a Kundalini Yoga Kriya (set) or a Yoga Breathing Exercise (pranayama).
Tools required for Prosperity Meditation Technique:
An alarm clock, stop watch or other time device.
Benefits of Prosperity Meditation Technique:
Primary Benefits:
Attracts and brings to you prosperity, wealth and money.
Makes available to you the Energy of the Infinite. Please use wisely.
Attracts and brings to you gifts and blessings.
Expands and strengthens your Pranic (energetic) body.
Expands and strengthens your nervous system.
Helps you overcome deep seated fears (including fear of death) and makes you courageous.
Builds the Naval Center and abdominal muscles.
Secondary Benefits:
Opens, heals and rejuvenates the Manipura (Nabhi - Naval) Chakra.
Improves your digestive system.
Builds your willpower and strength of character.
Cautions for Practicing Prosperity Meditation Technique:
As mentioned above, this meditation technique utilizes breath control (pranayama) as part of its process. It requires breath suspension after exhalation, which is one of the more difficult aspects of breath control. Anytime you are going to practice breath suspension, especially after exhalation, you need to move forward gently and intelligently. So Do Not Strain and build up the time for this meditation systematically. In doing so you will avoid creating unnecessary problems for yourself and will gracefully gain mastery over this profound meditation technique.
Guided Prosperity Meditation Technique:
Follow the step by step meditation instructions below to practice this technique.
Sit in a comfortable cross legged position. You may also sit on a chair for this meditation.
Set your alarm or other time device for the appropriate time (start with 1 minute and build up to 11 minutes or more).
Elongate your spine upwards, lengthen your neck and subtly bring your chin back and in, like a soldier at attention. This will align the spine with the back of your head.
Take 5 deep, slow breaths though the nose. This will oxygenate your blood and relax you.
Place your LEFT hand in Yoga Gyan Mudra (your INDEX finger and Thumb tips are meeting, other 3 fingers are pointing straight)
Extend your left arm up at 60 degrees. Your palm is facing in towards you and the arm should be straight.
Place your RIGHT hand in Yoga Surya Mudra (your RING finger and Thumb tips are meeting, other 3 finger are pointing straight)
Bend your right arm such that your right elbow is near your lower ribs, on the right side of your body, with your forearm making a small angle at your right elbow joint. The right palm is also facing in (and will be about face level).
Close your eyes.
Inhale deeply, then EXHALE completely and hold your breath out.
With your breath held out pump your stomach at a moderate pace about 1 pump / second. Pump your stomach means to pull in your abdominal muscles powerfully towards your spine.
With each pump silently THINK the sound HAR.
Once your have done as many pumps as you are comfortable doing, inhale deeply, then EXHALE and repeat the cycle again. Continue for the duration of the meditation.
Hints & Tips for Prosperity Meditation Technique:
I repeat, start this meditation slowly and build up your time systematically.
When you start to feel stronger and more capable of holding your breath out for extended periods of time, challenge the sense of panic that comes upon you as a result of breath deprivation. Staying calm through this period of panic will make you fearless. DO NOT TRY THIS UNTIL YOU THINK YOU ARE READY FOR IT.
Try to keep the arms as indicated and don’t give up at the first sign of discomfort. Again, don’t overdo it early in your practice, but as you progress let the mind and body know that you have the willpower and spirit to overcome their complaints.
This meditation is designed to give you a great deal of power, energy and wealth. It is provided here with the understanding that you agree not to misuse any of these blessings and agree to use them to make progress on your spiritual journey and/or use them to help others in theirs.
This concludes the Prosperity & Energy Guided Meditation Technique.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Taking The First Step

Here is the latest newsletter from Croz from Oz that I want to share. This title really says it all. Especially for me. Whenever I want to reach a new goal for myself, I have a tendency to research the idea to death. Sometimes to the point of giving up before I even start. Don't get me wrong, research is good. But at some point, you have to actually do the work involved. So these words really resonated with me. Every work of art (or brilliant invention/novel, etc.) starts in the same way: with the first step. Enjoy.

Hi All

My sincere apologies for not having contacted recently, but those of you who have been following will know I am helping Josh put the finishing touches to his business.

I have also had some great fun running some regular talks with a group of youngsters. The main thing that has come out of this, is how restrictive our previous programming is.

I will be uploading another series of videos onto you tube this week, that show another one of the talks This is a very interactive session and goes into detail, as to how we seem to accept and store advice from people who have no qualifications at all to give it.

Something that seems to stop most people starting or attempting to do anything is the thought that it cannot be done. This is self defeating and eventually this attitude starts to manifest in your everyday decisions. Most people think that achievement is just one step and that step is from the bottom to the top of a tall ladder. No one can take that step in one bound therefore why do you look at the task and reject it based on something that no one could do.

If someone has achieved what you want, just say to yourself he just started climbing the ladder ahead of me. One thing is for sure at some point he took the first step. If the ladder is really high just set your sights on a point that you feel you can reach, at least that way you will have started.

Every step you take towards your goal, will lift you to a new reality, one that will prepare you for the next step, and so it goes on.

Something else to remember is that once you are focused and heading in a specific direction, it is amazing how things keep popping up to assist you on your journey.

Do not look into the future for problems just tell yourself that you will deal with any situation as it presents

That my friends is how easy it is to dramatically change your life, JUST TAKE THE FIRST STEP.

I am off to Koh Samui on Friday, and I will definitely write something to you all from my WORRY FREE ISLAND.

Get stepping and let me know what difference it makes knowing that you only have to do what every successful person before you has done.

Abundance to All


Friday, May 16, 2008

Saint Anthony

Here is something I learned from the book, "Quantum Success" that I have to share because it really works. Saint Anthony is the patron saint of lost objects and will help you find what you're looking for when you call on him. Whenever you've misplaced something just say out loud, "St. Anthony, St. Anthony, come around. Something is lost and can't be found." Do that while picturing the missing object in your mind and soon you'll know where to look. This has worked for me every time I've tried it. It took me a while to remember to use this great resource, but now that I know that I can always count on St. Anthony's help, I use it whenever I need it.

This book has several methods of using divine intervention, but so far this is the one that has worked every time for me. It's not like I hear a voice or get a psychic vision or anything. I just know where to look and I'm always right. Even for things my husband has lost. He's pretty amazed that it works so well too. Just be sure to thank St. Anthony and I'm sure he'll keep helping us find those lost keys, glasses, or anything else we need. I am so grateful for this book.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Friday, May 9, 2008

TAT Is Terrific!

I've got another tool in my healing kit and it's amazing. Easy too. I used it to heal one of my headaches that I sometimes wake up with--and not the hangover kind. I couldn't believe how fast it worked. I also have used it on my son a few times for his allergies and a couple of bumps and bruises. He wouldn't tolerate the tapping of EFT--he's too sensitive and it tickles him. Anyway, I also have used it successfully a few times on my husband and dog.

It's another alternative. And like I already said, it's easy and can be done by anybody. Just go to the website and try it. Click the banner here on my blog. You won't be sorry. Try it on anything.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Something New

I've decided to publish The Daily Om on my blog because I find them so helpful and I end up posting many of them here anyway. Now you can read them all. Just click on The Daily Om right above the blog posts, read, relax and enjoy. I'm finding the more I enjoy about my life, the better it gets. I can honestly say now that I'm happy. That's huge for me. I'm genuinely happy and I want to share happiness and peace with the world, starting with The Daily Om. First find peace and joy, then abundance in every way will be yours!

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Who's Complaining?

There was another segment on the evening news last week about the minister who started the complaint free movement in his town. The idea seems to be catching on and lots of people are wearing the bracelets to remind them not to complain. I'm still working on it, but I've yet to go a whole 21 days without a single complaint. It was exactly 21 days ago that I started the experiment myself. But it took the minister over 3 months to be able to do it himself, so I don't feel so bad that I can't seem to go a day without a complaint. Actually, I've probably made it at least a couple of days at a time. It's just that those old habits tend to creep in again and I find myself saying something I shouldn't.

One reason I had trouble this week is because my sister came for an overnight visit to my family--she lives a few states away--and she saw all my other sisters and our mother but not me. One of my sisters had a dinner gathering at her house on Saturday night and did not extend the invitation to me and my husband and kids. We live 6 miles from her house. My out of state sister called me last night after she got back home to apologize for not seeing me, but Eileen (who organized the get together) refused to have us over because there weren't enough chairs. I started to think, "what a bitch." But I didn't say it. It's not the first time she's done something like that. And certainly not the first time someone has used those words to describe her. It's her problem not mine. Though I certainly would have liked to have been included, I refuse to be filled with bitterness and resentment. My husband said we should not invite her to our daughter's birthday party this summer and at first I agreed, but I decided to rise above it. I don't appreciate being excluded and wouldn't do that to someone else even after they did it to me. There is no need for revenge. I forgive my sister even though she hasn't apologized (and probably won't.) She is who she is and I can't change her. I actually feel sorry for her because she puts things such as having enough chairs ahead of family. And I'm not going to second guess her reasons for doing what she does. I don't know what it's like to be her. Another thing for me to be grateful for. So I with-hold judgment--which is a major step for me. Like anything though, once you do it a few times, it gets easier. Eventually, it becomes second nature.

In that news segment they also interviewed a psychotherapist who disagreed with the whole idea of not complaining because some people need to vent. I used to think I did too but I recently read that "venting" only reinforces those negative feelings. And I agree. Otherwise, why wouldn't people get better after a few talk therapy sessions instead of going for years with little or no results in many cases. Imagine if you brought your car in for an engine problem and the mechanic told you that it would take years to fix it. Now I'm not comparing the human brain to a car engine, but it shouldn't take so long to fix problems of any kind. That's why I'm such a big fan of EFT and TAT because they're brief and effective and can be learned by anyone as self-help tools. And I can credit them both for helping me deal with past family resentments and to successfully move on from pain to gain--so to speak.

So, I will try again to go a whole 3 weeks without complaining. It's becoming a habit to stop myself in mid-complaint, so I know I'm well on my way.

Until next time, be prepared for success.

Monday, April 14, 2008

A New Way of Seeing a Situation

My quest for going 21 days without a complaint has been derailed numerous times since I set out on my brave journey a couple of weeks ago. The most recent setback was due to a note I got from my son's preschool teacher last week. It seems the fruit and cereal bars I've been sending in for his snack for the last several months have trace amounts of some kind of soy product which is in the nut family and there is a student in my son's class with a nut allergy. My first reaction was, "Come on, you've got to be kidding me." That was pretty much the same response offered by my husband.

You see, my son has "sensory issues" and is extremely picky about food. He only tolerates certain textures and tastes. He receives special education for Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy. It took us months to find a snack that he will actually eat. We were so pleased (as was his teacher) to have him happily devour something at snack time instead of picking at it and throwing it out. So I wondered who complained and took the time to read all the ingredients on my son's cereal bar. I thought, why can't the kid with the allergy eat in a separate room if he's that sensitive? Why make all the other kids suffer and force parents to be diligently reading all the ingredients on every box of food and trying to figure out what could cause an allergic reaction in someone else's kid?

I knew this was not the energy I wanted to be sending out to the universe, but I was so upset about my own situation, I didn't see it through the other parents' eyes. It must be difficult worrying about your child coming into contact with something that could be lethal to him. I figured I was lucky that my son was just "picky" and doesn't have any food allergies. In fact, I'm grateful that one of his favorite foods is peanut-butter. I can't imagine life without it, myself. The point is, once I stopped and looked at the problem in a different way, I went from outrage to gratitude.

My son is on vacation this week, so I still don't know what kind of snack will replace his beloved fruit and cereal bars, but I'm grateful that I don't have to worry about him dying from something he eats. And next year he starts kindergarten in a nut friendly class--yay! PB&J's, here we come.

I found compassion and changed my attitude--and energy! And since I was successful here, I know I can continue to look at any problem in a different way and find solutions easily. There really is always something to be grateful for if you just open your eyes and look.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

The Importance of Compassion

Here is another example of synchronicity. I've been trying (unsuccessfully as of yet) to get through 21 days without complaining and I think the reason I and most of us have such a hard time with such tasks is a lack of compassion. When you gain more compassion for others, it's easier to stop yourself in the act of complaining. It's getting a little easier for me, but it's such an ingrained habit that I'm being more compassionate with myself and giving myself more time to learn. So, enjoy this and let me know how your own efforts are going.

April 7, 2008 People Who Don’t Get It

Compassion for All
You may be someone who understands the true nature of reality, perceiving deeply that we all emanate from the same source, that we are all essentially one, and that we are here on Earth to love one another. To understand this is to be awakened to the true nature of the self, and this understanding is a blessing. Nevertheless, people who just do not get it are seemingly everywhere and, often, occupy positions of power. It can be frustrating and painful to watch them behave unconsciously. We all encounter individuals such as this in our families, at work, and in all areas of public life. It is easy to find ourselves feeling intolerant of these people, wishing we could be free of them even though we know that separation from them is an illusion. It helps sometimes to think of us all as different parts of one psyche. Within our own hearts and minds we have dark places that need healing, just as the heart and mind of the world have their dark places. The health of the whole organism depends upon the relative health of the individuals within it. We increase harmony when we hold on to the light, not allowing it to be clouded by judgment, anger, and fear about those who behave unconsciously. It is easier to accomplish this if we don’t focus on the negative qualities of individuals and instead on how increasing our own light will increase that of the overall picture. When dealing with people who seem very unconscious, it helps to remember that everyone must find their own way to awakening, and that the experiences they are having are an essential part of their process. Holding them in the glow of our energy may be the best way to awaken theirs. At the same time, we are inspired by their example to look within and shed light on our own unconscious places, sacrificing the urge to judge and surrendering instead to humble self-inquiry.(This is an excerpt from the new DailyOM Book. To order the book, click the link below.)
The first DailyOM Book is here!Click here to receive over 70 free gifts when you buy the book
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Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Can You Do It?

While tuning in to CBS Sunday Morning on Easter Sunday, I noticed an interesting story about a small town where a church pastor was giving out bracelets to remind people not to complain. The objective is to go at least 21 days without a single complaint. Well, most people thought it was impossible and and there weren't many success stories yet, but I think it's a great concept. As a law of attraction follower and practitioner, I really need to stop all complaining because I know it sends out the wrong kind of energy signal. As someone on another forum so eloquently put it once, complainers are crap magnets. Or something to that effect. Just think of the negativity that fills your whole being while in the act of complaining. Not what most of us are after.

I thought since this is the first day of a new month, I would start the day trying to go without complaining. And I've got to say, it's much easier said than done. I've already had to stop and restart a couple of times. And it's only been one day! How many of you think you can do it? Can you go a whole 21 days without a complaint? Good luck and wish me the same.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Quantum Success

I just started reading this book by Sandra Anne Taylor and it's fantastic. If you're like me and thought you'd read everything there is to know about the law of attraction and The Secret, you haven't until you've read this book. It explains not only how quantum physics works, but how you can make it work in your favor instead of against you. It's much more than just positive thinking. You've got to make it a way of life. And once you do, your life will change in so many wonderful ways. Mine has already. I'm so grateful for this book.

Also, it helps to know EFT or TAT to get some kind of way to clear your old negative beliefs and replace them with new ones. I'm working on this aspect now and everything is just going so much smoother in every area in my life. I even did my first successful healing on someone else--I'll save that topic for another post. For now go out and get this book. It's so worth it.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Earth Hour

Here is an excellent idea to promote earth abundance. And it's free and easy to participate. Think of ways to have fun with this. Until next time, be prepared for the best!


The momentum is building for Earth Hour—8 to 9 pm, March 29, 2008—the global movement to shut off the lights for one hour to make a bold statement about climate change. More and more individuals, businesses, and even cities are planning to participate. Together, we’ll deliver a powerful message to the citizens and leaders of the world about the need for action on climate change.

Earth Hour is an opportunity for each one of us to take action, influence others and start a wave of change that alters the course of climate change. But turning off your lights is just the beginning. What can one person do in the face of a global challenge? Here are some easy tips to help you make a big impact:

Make it Happen

It’s easy and free to be part of the Earth Hour movement.

* Be sure to be counted. Sign up for Earth Hour and commit to turning off your lights on March 29 from 8 to 9 pm local time.

* Urge your friends, family, colleagues and contacts to show their support. It’s easy to engage and inspire. Use or modify our sample Tell A Friend e-mail.

* Blog about Earth Hour. Add an official Earth Hour web banner to your blog, website, or online page. Or start a conversation about climate change when you wear Earth Hour stickers.

* Spread the word. Earth Hour could be just the excuse you’ve been waiting for to knock on doors on your street or in your building. Ask them to go dark. Create your own event, such as a neighborhood Earth Hour celebration.

Reach Out, Speak Out, Go Out

Shutting off non-essential lights for WWF’s Earth Hour on March 29 will give you some time to think about how you can be smarter about the Earth’s resources.

* You don’t have to sit alone in the dark. Talking about protecting the planet for future generations can make for a very pleasant evening. Couple your conversation with some organic chocolate (dark, of course!) and make Earth Hour a night to remember.

* Earth Hour is on a Saturday night. If the weather’s good, try a picnic under the stars. Ask your favorite restaurant or bar to dim their lights and participate in Earth Hour. And if you’ll be at work, take a look at our tips for businesses and restaurants.

* Plan a get-dark party for Earth Hour. The younger crowd can host a slumber party complete with scary stories, hold an acoustical jam session or bring friends together to do some dancing in the dark. Don’t worry about decorations—it will be dark!

* Check in with a local astronomy club about star gazing events. The night sky provides its own light show and here’s your chance to take a break and soak up the view.

* You can still text in the dark. Make a list of all the ways you are going to reduce your energy consumption: unplug unused appliances; change to compact fluorescent bulbs; properly inflate tires; adjust your thermostat. Text your list to others and challenge them to make their own lists. Check other lists for ideas you may have forgotten.

The Earth Hour idea has captured the hearts and minds of people all over the world and I hope that it has captured yours. I look forward to participating in Earth Hour at the same time as thousands of dedicated WWF supporters like you. Thank you for being a part of this amazing event.


Richard Moss
Managing Director and Vice President
Climate Change
World Wildlife Fund

Firm up your plans for being part of Earth Hour.


Watch the Earth Hour video

Monday, March 17, 2008

You Are Wonderful!

Here is a useful exercise from energy healer Rebecca Marina, who is also wonderful for generously sharing so many useful tips. Do check out her website and youtube videos for more info. on self healing. Enjoy.

1.Do you know what's wonderful about you?

Early this morning, I was sitting on the
balcony, listening to the roar of the waves
when my cell phone rang.

It was a lovely lady from New York
(you know who you are) just calling to
tell me how much she liked my website.

She also said one of my youtube videos
made her fall off her chair laughing.
(sorry, I forgot to ask her which one)

The call made me feel so good, that someone
would take the time to tell me what they
liked about me... I decided to pass the
feeling on.

I looked over the balcony railing to see
if I could see any living person to say
something nice to. (my kids were still snoozin')

I did see Juan, the yard man, but he was
too far away to hear me. so, I just sent him
some nice thoughts and good energy.
In just a few seconds, I heard the sound
of happy whistling.

(BTW_ your thoughts are almost as powerful
as your words.)

Watch this demo to prove it.

Wouldn't you like to get up every morning and hear
something wonderful about yourself?

There are 2 ways to get this.

A. Look in the mirror and tell yourself
something wonderful.
(I suggest you tap while doing this)

B. Tell as many other people as you can -
something wonderful about them.
What you put out, you get back multiplied.

(Start tapping as you read this and accept
the honor that is given)

You know what's wonderful about you Dear Reader?

You take the time to care about
You care about helping yourself and others.
You are serving a purpose, even if you don't
know what it is yet.

You have the ability to light up someones world.

No one has the exact gifts you have or the
capacity to use them like you do.

You are unique, no one else can compare to you.

Love, Rebecca


#2 The Wild Woman's Woodland Retreat

April 23,24,25 In Mission Texas

If you feel the call of Mother God and want
to have a once in a lifetime experience
read on...This experience will change you forever.
You may come in like a lamb but you will go out
like a Lioness!
Discover power you never knew you had.


Till next time,

Monday, March 10, 2008

Choosing To Be Cheerful

Today while I was trying to overcome some of my blocks to success, I uncovered a hidden core belief--that I'm not cheerful and outgoing enough to be a successful EFT practitioner. This belief that somehow you need to be super charismatic and charming to be able to help people overcome depression, lose weight, quit smoking, perform at peak levels or whatever else they need help with. I know EFT works wonders, but a part of me is still afraid to go into business for myself.

So with this new core belief uncovered, I tapped on "Even though I'm not a cheerful person...I choose to be cheerful and friendly." Then I let some humor in which always helps with any type of healing and added "Even though I've always been kind of a grouch...I choose to be cheerful now." It not only put a smile on my face but I could really feel a shift in my energy. I now believe I'm a cheerful person. How can I not be? I'm grateful for all the good things in my life and the good that's on its way to me, and I've made a conscious decision to be cheerful.

Yes, it really can be that easy. There are many other issues I've been working on in the last couple of weeks and I'm happy to say, all those little nagging inner voices of the past are finally loosening their hold on me. Right now I am my own practitioner and am happy with my success. I can hardly wait to start helping others. And so far, my bulldog, who was getting aggressive with my Boston terrier and was very fearful of certain situations is getting calmer and more relaxed with each round of tapping I do on him. So far, two success stories. I'm counting on more soon.

Until next time, be prepared for the best.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

More on Energy

Here is a Daily Om that shows how the law of attraction works with energy--and the importance of energy therapy to clear your path to abundance. Enjoy!

February 15, 2008
Undistracted Energy
Pure Thoughts
If we make no effort at all, our thoughts usually scatter in a vast array of directions. They start and stop and move in surprising ways from one second to the next. If we try to follow our thoughts without controlling them, we will be amazed at how truly inconsistent they are. Yet, if we apply our minds to a specific task, especially one that interests us, they gather together and allow us to focus our attention, creating great power and energy. This is what is known as pure thought, because it is undistracted.

The law of attraction—like attracts like—influences all energy, including our thoughts, and this is what makes pure thought so potent. Our undistracted thoughts create a powerful magnet that draws similar energy into our vibrational field. As a result, the longer we are able to hold positive thoughts in our minds, the more powerful the positive energy around us becomes. We don't need to focus on action and controlling so much when we are surrounded by energy that draws what we want toward us. We can simply respond to the opportunities that naturally come our way. When this is the essence of our experience, we can go with the flow, knowing that we will be okay.

If pure thought is a body, it is our emotions that supply the heart that can really bring it to life. Our thoughts and feelings exist in relation to one another, and they form a feedback loop through which they communicate and empower each other. When we hold a thought in our mind without being distracted, we have achieved pure thought. When we have a positive emotional response to that thought, we enable it to dance and move and breathe itself into existence.

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Today's friend of OM:
If you are not moving steadily in the direction of what you say you want, you can be certain that you are sabotaging yourself somewhere. In the Overcoming Self-Sabotage on-line course from #1 New York Times best-selling author Debbie Ford, you will learn 14 key lessons to help you overcome self-sabotage.

For more information visit

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Promise of Energy Psychology

This is the title of a book by David Feinstein, Donna Eden and Gary Craig that I am highly recommending. I'm finishing it up now and can honestly say it has changed my life. I can't say that about any other book I've read. Although I have read and recommended many good ones here, this is one that helped me tremendously. It's all about EFT, how to apply it and its many benefits. Check my side bar under "Things I've tried that worked" for more on EFT. It's also filled with information about energy exercises you can do on a daily basis that improve your mood, well-being, health and just make you feel great. I've only been doing them for a few days but they've already made a difference. I am so much happier and little things that used to bother me don't any more. Part of that is because of doing the EFT on targeted problems.

In fact, I was so impressed with this book and learning how to apply EFT to just about anything that comes up, I decided to find a local practitioner to help me. There are none where I live. Suddenly, a light bulb clicked on in my head. And a little voice in my head said: you could be a practitioner and help other people learn to heal themselves. After coming up with many excuses about why it isn't a good idea--which I applied EFT to to eliminate--I've decided to seriously consider it.

While visiting my doctor for a follow-up today, I told her that I no longer had chest pain and palpitations after using EFT for other problems--known as a side benefit. She suggested that I would be good at healing other people too. It was like she read my mind! She says she has a sense about people and that she's sure it would be a perfect fit for me. Talk about synchronicity! So, I'm now convinced that I need to be doing this. I'm going to take the courses and get my certificate to become a practitioner. It's so exciting and scary all at the same time. I've been trying to come up with a way I can help people--besides making my gratitude cards available at my online Karmic Bulldog store Now I think I've finally found it.

I'll keep you posted on how things are going. Til then, I'll be busy learning and "helping" myself and others. I'm experimenting on my dogs with good results so far. After earning my certificate, I'll set up my practice which I'll make available by phone as well so I can help as many people as possible. And then I'll post the number and more information.

Again, I recommend the book and til next time, be prepared for the best.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Promise of Prosperity

Here is another Daily Om that was quite inspiring. I hope you find it helpful. Enjoy! And I hope you are all living great in 2008.

Promise Of Prosperity
Chinese Year Of The Rat
Chinese New Year this time around is the Year of the Rat, which brings with it the promise of prosperity. The Chinese admire the rat for its quick mind and ability to gather valuables and save them for the future. Since 2008 is the Year of the Rat, the year ahead should offer many opportunities to acquire wealth, as well as the ability to make choices that enable us to provide comfort for a long time to come.

Since the rat sign is the first in the Chinese zodiac calendar, we may feel the energy of a cycle beginning. We may also feel a pioneering spirit that helps us to forge ahead with a completely new endeavor. Looking beyond Western culture’s distaste for rats, we may be able to appreciate their ability to thrive in less than ideal conditions. This quality might offer us hope that whatever challenges we may face will only serve to make us stronger and more able. The rat’s ability to solve problems is well-known, so we can choose to enjoy any challenge that helps us keep our minds sharp while also making life more of a game. A competitive nature may develop within us, leading us to use the rat’s ability to focus on priorities. The rat can also remind us to be less worried about pleasing everyone we meet and more focused on our goals.

We should be aware of the rat’s habit for collecting and not allow ourselves to become so focused that we neglect those around us. Being constantly on the alert for opportunity can be stressful, so we can make the decision to balance our pursuit of prosperity with the enjoyment of good food and atmosphere and the people we trust to offer us both support and space. With the energy of challenge and possibility, the year is likely to be exciting without being explosive. The Year of the Rat is sure to offer the type of enjoyable challenges that will enable us to become all we can possibly be.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Appreciation and Gratitude

I'd like to share this little bit of inspiration from Carol Tuttle. It fits in with acquiring abundance since being in a state of happiness and gratitude is so important to receiving our desires. Not to mention that it's great to feel good--and the rest will follow. Enjoy.

Happiness is a "STATE OF BEING".

In today's world we make it a CONDITION.

In BEING HAPPY, only YOU have the power within

These brief and powerful messages are designed to
give you the insight and tools to bring your God
given design of happiness alive in your life and to
use the power God has given you to CREATE a
joy-filled, prosperous life.

To create better health, amazing relationships, and a
substantial flow of money to support your purpose.

Start this week with activating:

The Power of Appreciation and Gratitude

Appreciation and gratitude are two of the most
powerful emotional states we can be in.

Appreciate everything. Express gratitude for every
single moment of your life. The more you create
feelings of appreciation and gratitude, the more
you will attract into your life which you can appreciate
and for which you can feel gratitude.

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations in which we
can be. Look for things for which you can be grateful.

Everyday this week as you are driving along
in the car play the Grateful Game.

Either by yourself or with your family,
share out loud what you are grateful for.

Everything counts. Keep going and see how
big you can make your list.

Write yourself a reminder, "play the Grateful
Game" and put it on your dashboard in your

As you do this you will turn on more of your
Radiant Circuits.

What is a Radiant Circuit? Keep reading I will
teach you about radiant circuits in a few weeks.

Before we get to that I want to spend the next two
weeks helping you shift your energy with mon'ey.

Do you have emotional energy that keeps
coming up and bogging down your life?

We recycle emotional energy from our past
experiences every day of our lives. It is only
coming up over and over again because your
body wants to clear it.

Clear it RIGHT NOW at the NEW and amazing
Carol Tuttle Healing Center.

As a member you have exclusive access to over
85 video and audio sessions.

You'll get monthly open call-in evenings with Carol
where you can get personalized coaching.

Our limited time discounted monthly membership
is only $67

Check it out!

Remember Kelly, happiness is a state of
being that God has specifically designed you for.

You are created to be in charge of your happiness,
no matter the condition of your life.

God Bless You,

Carol Tuttle
Master Energy Therapist, Author, Speaker
Best-Selling Author - "Remembering Wholeness"
Creator of the only website offering EFT sessions NOW!

**Feel freeee to forward this to a friend.

And if you had this email forwarded to you and
would like to subscribe to Carol's weekly "I am
a Creator" email message, just go to

Carol Tuttle

PO Box 900546
Sandy, UT

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

This is a time to send cards of appreciation to people you're lucky to have in your life. I know it's known for lovers and sweethearts, but you don't need to celebrate with a special someone if you don't happen to have one. You can send cards/gifts or just phone calls or e-mails of appreciation to anyone. Kids in particular are grateful for the gesture. What could be more rewarding than giving a child a reason to smile?

So, if you find yourself spending this valentine's day alone, just think of all those people in your life that could use a friendly reminder of why you appreciate them. And also remember, you don't need a special holiday to send gratitude to anyone. Send a card every day and watch your returns start increasing in an abundant way.

Visit for a great selection of gratitude cards and gifts for any occasion.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thoughts on Thoughts

Here is the latest newslater from Croz.

Thoughts on Thoughts.

I have been concentrating lately on the power of our thoughts, I was reminded of the fact that nothing comes into being without first being a thought. The transition from us thinking we can do something to knowing we can do something is really powerful.

I recall the story of Roger Bannister, the first man to run a sub four minute mile. Up until this point no one believed that this was possible and mentally every runner was programmed to believe this. In effect there was a subconscious belief that a sub four minute mile was impossible. As soon as people heard that a sub four minute mile had been run, the subconscious beliefs and programming in all the other athletes, were changed, and within in the next few years numerous people ran sub for minute miles, slowly improving on the previous time. Do you think Roger Bannister thought he could NOT run a sub four minute mile?

This is proof positive that we limit our abilities to beliefs that are instilled into us by incorrect facts. We actually create what we believe to be the truth. Our entire belief and faith system is moulded by others and we then absorb further information and filter it using the knowledge and beliefs we have to date, most of that knowledge we use to filter the new information being at best incomplete.

We see people in all walks of life doing things that we think are impossible, or think they are lucky, or that they happened to be in the right place at the right time or they had special talents or ability and we relate all these things to what we think. Every one will look at these situations and think totally differently about them, based entirely on what they had allowed in to their programming in the past.

Why is it then, that we programme ourselves to resist information that will give us a better life? There is so much information and study regarding how we can control our lives by controlling our thoughts and yet a majority of people will not even consider trying to change their lives by changing their thoughts.

I have mentioned in recent articles that I have been experiencing a very challenging situation regarding someone who I had really assisted and befriended over a long period, they have really done the most awful things, that you would not expect from a total stranger. During this time it has been my faith in the universe and my ability to control my thoughts that has got me through. I have constantly commented to my wife as to how we would have coped prior to having this new found control.

In my opinion, we try and live our lives in a very disjointed manner, We are physical, mental and spiritual and we are programmed initially to pander to our physical being. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but without a balance of mental and spiritual awareness, we create a roller coaster ride of extreme highs and extreme lows.

We have already discussed the power that the mind has over our physical body yet we rarely challenge our beliefs as to its capabilities. We prefer, instead, to look at others and give reasons as to why certain things have, or have not happened.

Almost all biographies of successful people in all fields and all walks of life, give credit to the fact that they had vision and that they believed that they could achieve this vision. They also credit the existence of a power that wants us to have everything we desire. If then, these in some cases, very average people can align things to give them great success, why can’t you?

You know why! You refuse to allow yourself to explore the possibilities and prefer to stick with the life you have, albeit not the life you want. Most of us look on at situations and say ‘ I wish…….’ Not realising that if you bothered to just learn how to control your thoughts you could achieve anything that you want.

OK! I know this is a well worn path, and you have heard this statement and advice wrapped up in a multitude of guises, but I can assure you that you are only limited by you. We are our own best friend, and our own worst enemy. Nothing happens by chance and how we decide to create our life is entirely up to us. A lot of people believe that working hard physically and not treating yourself to the pleasures of life, will in some way earn you a medal to show that you have only taken what you believe you are worthy of.

All living things have an inbuilt desire to be the very best they can be, a plant will grow to its very best using all the nutrients available to it, insects will grow to the best they can and also have a built in will to be a team player all animals will grow and live their life to the full using all available means and facilities, why is it then that human beings have found some perverse logic in restricting their growth physically, mentally and spiritually. It just does not make any sense.

We are told that by thinking in a certain way, we can alter our destiny, and most of us just say ‘rubbish,’ another section say , ‘I will give it a go’, and give up at the first hurdle, and very few follow the guidelines, experience a better life and success to the level that they desire.

Many of you will be familiar with Josh the young lad that I agreed to mentor to earn one million dollars in one year. I agreed to do it and it became a very public affair, as Josh was going to write a regular blog. Armed only with my firm belief that it would happen, I had no idea how, we started and let the universe guide us. Now Josh was working for a company at the time and was in debt, six months into the challenge, Josh has just moved into his second lot of offices, has employed a team of staff, and is now set in his new business to exceed his original desire by the end of the year.

The point here is that Josh had a belief in himself and has just followed the very basic elements of the teachings in The Science of Getting Rich. Although Josh has had guidance, it is purely his vision that has got him to where he is. Follow his journey on

The story of Josh is no different to the story of Roger Bannister, they both simply would not let incorrect programming stop them from achieving their goal.

When we suddenly realise the possibilities that can be created just by us changing our thoughts, what actually drives us to manifest our visions. This is the most important part, the actions we take to realise our vision. Time and again, I get confronted with people telling me how much they have been thinking about getting a new house, but they have not put in any effort to get closer to their goal.

This really is where you have to radically change your programming, because it is no earthly good expecting things to change, if you are not prepared to have faith in the universe to deliver. It is always our doubt that stops the delivery. We say that we are doing everything correctly, but the old subconscious is there in the background, telling you what can and cannot happen, using all the incorrect knowledge that has got you to where you are.

I used an analogy recently about transitional disruption, this is the period when everything appears to be going wrong. The analogy was referenced to renovating a house. When you renovate a house you have a plan as to what you want to achieve, the first thing you do is to rip all the old fittings and fixtures out, and possibly pull down some walls etc.. If someone came and looked at the house in this state they would think that the house was ruined, it is only the fact that you can picture the house finished, that keeps you focused. That is the same as creating your goal, picture it in your mind exactly as you want it to be, as in the renovation keep feeling what it will be like when you get it. If you get to the point where you think everything is going wrong, that is almost certainly all the changes occurring, so keep your faith and move forward.

A lot of people do not find these teachings until they have their back against the wall, and then they try and force things, by expecting immediate results. I am in no way saying that it is not possible to get very quick results, but the mere fact of putting a time frame on your goal, is actually very stressful, and you will be attracting stress back into your life.

It amuses me that we are always prepared and ready to allow bad or negative things into our life, and yet when we are told that using the same transmitting system we can attract good things, we rebel and default to our old thinking.

The ability to think of your vision and hold onto the fact that it is going to manifest, when things are really bleak, is the hardest thing you will have to do. Some people find this easier than others. It took me a very long time to have total faith, but I just used the tiny results I was achieving to boost my faith, and then one day I just said I have to prove this thing one way or another and I went through a very dark period hanging on to a vision of what I wanted and through all the appearances of things going wrong I kept believing that things were going to result in being what I wanted.
Eventually things turned out even better than I had imagined.

My simple message here is that as soon as you stop fighting your thoughts and you get all three parts into harmony, that is physical, mental and spiritual, your life will transform. What some people regard as a miracle is only someone allowing all parts to flow in harmony and allow the universe to do its job.

You can be in total control, the question is, will you allow yourself to be.
What is the next impossible thing that we will suddenly realise is attainable.
Abundance to All
Croz from OZ

This is how the Law of Giving and Receiving works.

Giving is the other side of receiving.
Therefore if you wish to receive anything in your life, you first need to give it.
It is that simple.
If you wish happiness, simply give happiness to the people around you.
If you wish love, simply give love.
If you wish friendships, joy or abundance simply give it to the people around you and you will receive loads of it.

When you withhold your giving, you are withholding your source of abundance.
You are stopping the flow of your own energy and you suffocate.
No wonder I felt joyless and dead when I stopped giving.
Sounds a little too easy, doesn't it?

Where's the catch?

The catch is that you have to give without expecting anything in return.
Giving for the sake of giving.
Only then the flow begins.
The intention behind the giving is the most important.
The intention has to be for the creation of happiness, harmony, peace and joy, as these are fundamental to life.

The reward will be there when you give from your heart and without condition.
Giving should be a joyful act, just as a child bringing a flower to his mother.
Albert Schweitzer said, "The one who gives is the one that receives most".
The easiest way to fulfill your wishes is by supporting others to achieve their wishes.

This principle is true to individuals, organizations, businesses and nations.
If you wish to be blessed with all the good things in life, learn to give a blessing to all that surrounds you.
Even a thought and silent blessing has the power to start the flow of giving and receiving.
Start practicing the Law of Giving and Receiving and watch your life become abundant and joyful.

Abundance to All

Croz from OZ

If you know anyone who would like to receive these news letters please forward this on to them so they can join up on the website

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Becoming Unstoppable

I, like many people, watched the superbowl on Sunday night and was amazed at the unlikely win of The NY Giants over the "unbeatable" NE Patriots. I'm not much of a football fan myself, and quite frankly, I got tired of hearing of how great The Patriots were and how there was no way The Giants could beat them.

Now I'm smiling because The Giants did something that no other team all year has been able to do--beat The Patriots. What does this have to do with aquiring abundance? Well, it's inspiring to see the underdog win in such an exciting way, for one. And if you saw the game, you know about that miraculous play by Eli Manning with less than two minutes to go as he absolutely refused to be brought down by The Patriots and escaped a sack to throw to David Tyree for the catch of the game--if not the decade. We knew they were going to win the game after that. They were unstoppable and determined to win.

I've decided to be unstoppable just like Eli Manning and The Giants. Everyone put them down and said they couldn't do it, but they proved everyone wrong. Now I know that anything can happen if you just put your mind to winning and success. I think The Giants have been watching "The Secret" and putting those principles to good use. Never let anyone tell you that something you want to achieve is impossible. If The Giants can beat the odds, you can too.

Until next time, be prepared for the best.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Get Lucky

Here is an exerpt from "The Certain Way" Ezine from the SOGR network that I want to share. This really hits home with me because I've finally realized that I shouldn't say things like, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." Well, I still haven't been able to convince my husband that it's a bad idea to say things like this. But he is improving. If you're in the habit, try this little twist and see if it doesn't help. I know I can't wait to try it out.

Enjoy--and good luck!


You're in a hurry and the light turns red. "Just my luck!" you
say as you smack the wheel in frustration.

Sound familiar?

Stop for a moment and give that some thought. Isn't it odd that
when something we don't care for happens, we CLAIM it as our due?
As if, OF COURSE, that's how it happened? As if that's what we
EXPECTED all along?

Now, if American English isn't your everyday language, this
particular phrase may not be something you use, but I'll bet
you've got an equivalent! ;-D

And these kinds of sayings that seem so "natural" to us, so
harmless, really do point to our underlying expectations. (We've
got a whole LifeLabTM in the Practical GeniusesTM course just
about the words we use so unconsciously.)

Well, someone close to me brought this to my attention the other
day. Rosa had watched a fellow waiting in line at the bank, and
just has he got to the teller's window, the teller said, "I'll be
right back," and took off.

At that moment Rosa thought, if that happened to ME, I'd be
thinking: Just my luck!

But then, she told me, she caught herself: Hey, why does it have
to be something unpleasant or negative that we use that phrase
with? How strange that is.

And so right then she decided to STOP thinking or saying that in
those kinds of circumstances and to BEGIN saying it when things
go just the way she wants!

Great idea!

So all this past week I've paid attention and delightedly noticed
her saying, "Just my luck!" when the light turns GREEN, or the
class she wanted to take still had a spot for her, or she arrived
somewhere early without needing to hurry.

Just my luck!

You know what? It's FUN to do, and it can really give you a lift,
which means it's pointing your thoughts toward more of what you
want instead of away from it. Perfect!

Why not give it a try yourself, my friend?

Changing your thinking is the fastest way there is to change your
"luck" -- the ONLY way.

(And if you think of any other phrases you can turn around in
this way, please post them in the Discussion Forum so we can all
enjoy and benefit from them. Thanks!)

'Til next month ...

Many blessings, and of course --
EXPECT Success! (Of course -- that's just my luck!)


P.S. Hey, when you have a few minutes, check out the rest of the
exciting discussion with Croz from Oz about his wonderful success


Also, Croz has had such success with SOGR, he's now sharing it
with others in a big way. See for yourself (and catch him on
video, too) at:



The Certain WayTM, Practical GeniusesTM, and Practical GeniusTM
are trademarks of Certain Way Productions Inc.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Declaring Our Intentions

Here is another Daily Om that I found to be right on target. I hope you find it as interesting and as helpful as I did.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

January 10, 2008
Declaring Our Intentions
Ready For Change
There comes a point in most of our lives when we feel ready to experience a change we’ve had trouble carrying out. Maybe we’ve been stuck in a home, a relationship, job, or a town that hasn’t felt right for a long time, but we’ve been unable to shift our circumstances in the direction we want to go. At times like this, it can help to declare to the universe that we are ready for a change. Think of it as informing a helpful friend that you need her assistance to move to the next level in your life. If the time is right, the universe will respond with opportunities and offers designed to help you create the change you wish to see.

You can begin the process of making your declaration by getting clear within yourself about what exactly you want to change. Whenever we ask anyone for help, they can assist us that much better if we are specific. The universe also appreciates our clarity and has an easier time answering a direct communication than a vague yearning. When you are clear on what you want, write your declaration on a piece of paper and place it on your altar, if you have one. If you don’t, you can also place it under your pillow or in a box on your nightstand. Set aside a period of time every day to be silent with your wishes for change, repeating your declaration like a mantra. This lets the universe know that you are ready to change and will be receptive to its efforts.

Feel free to continue to refine and redefine your declaration, and remember to be open to the many different ways in which the change you seek might come to be. Remember also to be active in your own efforts, taking opportunities that come your way, watching for signs, and always taking responsibility for your intentions. If things don’t happen quickly, try not to be discouraged; it might take time to free up energy that has been blocked and possibly serving a purpose beyond what we can understand. If you continue your conversation with the universe, declaring yourself clearly and openly, you cannot help but experience the magic of changing and being changed.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ask And It Is Given

Here is a snippet from an e-mail newsletter I received today. I must have signed up for it at some point, though I can't recall the name or ever visiting the website. Maybe it's just synchronicity at work. Anyway, it's right along the same lines as I've been posting about recently and I must share it--as I do with everything else I receive that I think is useful. And this just drives the message home more about how the law of attraction works. But more importantly, it talks about being in harmony with our desires, which is so important to avoid what we don't want. Read, enjoy and put it to use as best you can.

Til next time, be prepared for the best!

When you ASK it is ALWAYS Given. Period. No exceptions.

In order to have the things and experiences we desire,
we must be in harmony with them. This is an idea that's
new to most people. It's not something talked about or
generally known in most circles. But it's the KEY to having
EVERYTHING you want in life.

To be in harmony with or a "match" for success, happiness,
wealth, abundance or a great front-row parking spot on
a sale day a Macy's... you MUST be operating at the same
"vibrational" level as what you desire.

It's kind of like trying to tune in Smooth Jazz 94.1 FM by
dialing Country AM 1630. No matter how hard you try, or
how close you listen, you're never going to hear Jazz
from 94.1 coming out of AM 1630. Why? You're not tuned in.

Everything in life works the same. What you experience
depends on where your internal "tuner" is set. And what's
frustrating for most folks is they're trying to listen
to Jazz from 94.1, Oldies from 107.3 and Hip-Hop from
93.3... all at the same time... while they're running
up and down the AM tuner getting nothing more than a
bunch of static.

It’s also why things continue to show up in your life
over and over again... even though you don’t want any
more of it. Because once again, if you’re tuned in to the
country music station you will ONLY ever hear
country music. If you want something different you have
to get in tune with something new!

Is there something you truly desire in your life right
now that HASN'T appeared in your reality yet?

The good news is... It's YOURS... you can have it.
Remember, if you ASK it is ALWAYS Given!

The only thing you need to do to have it sooner is to
get in harmony with it. Dial it in and keep your dial set.

How do you that?

We'll talk about that in the next issue.

Until then, identify what it is you desire and allow
yourself to be open and ready to receive it. Then, be
sure NOT to do or say anything that would send it away.

To Living The Good Life,
Lisa Diane

Monday, January 21, 2008

Connecting With Success

I just read an interesting article about using EFT while visualizing your goals. I've actually read it again after reading about the process last year and I remember that it felt really good to feel what it would be like to have what I desire here and now. And the more I do it, the easier it gets to stay in the moment. Then I start to realize, "Hey, this really can happen." Because if you're like me, sometimes it seems like a quantum leap from where you are and where you want to be. But with practice it becomes more believable.

If you haven't yet learned EFT, go to and at least learn the basic setup so you can tap along while you visualize. There are many great articles you can peruse and find out how to use this great healing tool for unblocking the road to riches. And as I'm discovering, you can also use it as a tool to manifest your desires. But first you need to work on the negative beliefs that may be unconsciously holding you back. I'll post more about this in the future.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Terrific Tees!

I just created a new lens on squidoo focusing on bulldog apparel from my store on cafepress, The Karmic Bulldog. But also where you can buy greeting cards, gratitude cards, gifts and more. Plus, squidoo is a fun place. So go ahead and visit my lens at Let me know what you think. Enjoy.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Do It Now!

Here is another Daily Om that really resonated with me. And I realized that I have to start living more in the present. Not to mention enjoying it too. I hope this is helpful for you too.


January 4, 2008
Now Is The Time
Bloom Where You Are Planted
Having a vision for our future that differs from our current circumstances can be inspiring and exciting, but it can also keep us from fully committing to our present placement. We may become aware that this is happening when we notice our thoughts about the future distracting us from our participation in the moment. We may find upon searching our hearts that we are waiting for some future time or situation in order to self-actualize. This would be like a flower planted in North Dakota putting off blooming because it would prefer to do so in Illinois.

There are no guarantees in this life, so when we hold back we do so at the risk of never fully blossoming. This present moment always offers us the ground in which we can take root and open our hearts now. What this means is that we live fully, wherever we are, not hesitating because conditions are not perfect, or we might end up moving, or we haven’t found our life partner. This can be scary, because we might feel that we are giving up our cherished dreams if we do not agree to wait for them. But this notion that we have to hold back our life force now in order to find happiness later doesn’t really make sense. What might really be happening is that we are afraid to embrace this moment, and ourselves, just exactly as we are right now. This constitutes a tendency to hold back from fully loving ourselves, as we are, where we are.

We have a habit of presenting life with a set of conditions—ifs and whens that must be fulfilled before we will say yes to the gift of our lives. Now is the time for each of us to bloom where we are planted, overriding our tendency to hold back. Now is the time to say yes, to be brave and commit fully to ourselves, because until we do no one else will. Now is the time to be vulnerable, unfolding delicately yet fully into the space in which we find ourselves.

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Creative vs. Competitive Mind

Here is the latest newsletter from Croz. Seems every time something comes up that seems to get in the way of abundance for me, Croz writes about it. This is really informative. Enjoy!

Hi All

I am writing this as a result of many emails lately commenting on the fact that things were not going according to plan for them.

With the vast amount of interest in LOA and associated subjects lately, it seems that there is more confusion than answers. One of the things that seems to be so prominent, is the fact that everyone has gone into COMPETITIVE mode. This is one of the main teachings of Wally, he states quite clearly that you should be CREATIVE not COMPETITIVE. Every time we force an issue whether it be financial , emotional, relationship or absolutely anything, we are subconsciously going into COMPETITIVE mode.

I think that we should all just take a deep breath and have a look at the situation as it is now. I am thrilled that there is a huge wave of interest in these teachings and that so many more people are becoming aware. The problem I have is that no one seems to be telling people about the hard work needed to really understand these teachings and make them work for you.

I used the analogy recently of a gym selling the services of a personal trainer. If they said to you, that the next 8 weeks are going to be really hard, you are going to feel absolutely terrible every morning, your body will ache, how ever you feel we are going to drag you out of bed at 6.00 oclock, your muscles are going to burn, we are going to push you harder than you have ever been pushed and when you feel that you have had enough, we are going to raise the bar and push you even harder, etc… You really would think about signing up. When you are in possession of all the facts you can make a calculated decision. Of course the really COMMITED people would sign up and really benefit, but a vast majority would THINK about it.

That is why when you are making your decision whether or not to use a personal trainer, they only tell you about the benefits. You will look and feel fabulous, “Oh great where do I sign?” It is later that you realise the effort needed and many people fall by the wayside, they are not prepared for the hard work to get to the target. That is the same as the sales and implied benefits of these teachings, no one is telling the truth up front as to what is really involved to understand and learn these teachings.

I can honestly tell you that these teachings when applied correctly and with the knowledge as to how they work, are life changing. The learning curve though is anything but easy. Most people do not realise that their conscious mind does not actually make any decisions, that is all done by the past programming that is stored in your subconscious. Therefore however convinced your mind is about doing something, your subconscious always has something to say. Sometimes you do something against what your subconscious advises and all of a sudden you get a queasy stomach and fell very uneasy. It does not matter if what you do is absolutely correct, if your old programming disagrees you will have conflict.

It makes sense then that we should look at our OLD beliefs and see if they have relevance in our lives today. If they do not, we have to WORK on removing them. That is the hard work that is just the beginning of really understanding. How many times have you started to do something or had an idea and the little voice in your head says, “Don’t be silly, how can you do that , you are just SO and SO from the wrong side of the track, just forget it and get on with things.” We all have and they are just ideas and incorrect facts that have been planted over your life to keep you in line. There are so many things that we believe or have been told, that are just not true. Why then do we still listen to them when we are making a decision?

This is one of the fundamental problems with all these new teaching ideas. They tell you to imagine this or that and dream of some fantastic lifestyle in the future and you can have it just by thinking. That is exactly when your subconscious comes in and tells you all the reasons why you cannot do or have what you are thinking. As I said earlier, the facts are that you CAN have what you want, but you must believe that you can have it and also be sure that it is what you want.

As an exercise just dig deep and find some of the things that your subconscious uses to hold you back, that you know not to be true.

Next time we will have some exercises to find and remove these blockages.


Here is something that you can think about: it wraps up competition and old programming in one statement.

Why is it that if someone who you do not know has good fortune or someone wealthy gets more wealth, we do not seem to care. But if someone we know, especially someone who is on the same social standing as us gets sudden wealth, either by their business or if they win it, we seem to be jealous and are not immediately happy for them.? Be honest when thinking about this!

When your mind is correctly programmed you will not even think about that situation.
The only time to pay attention to any ones wealth, is if they offer to share it with you. At that point be very attentive.

It is a worry isn’t it that even though we know the truth our mind still tells us something different.

Abundance to All

Croz from OZ

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Time For A Fresh Start

Since my last post was about the new year and resolutions, I thought this from the Daily Om would be a good addition. Enjoy!

Starting New
A Moment Of Choice

There are times in our lives that lend themselves to starting something new. The beginning of a new year, finishing school, leaving a job, or changing homes—these all are times that turn our minds to fresh starts. Their advantage is that they bring with them the energy of that event, creating a tide of change around them that we can ride to our next shoreline. But we can choose to start anew anytime. In any moment we can decide that a bad day or a relationship that’s gotten off on the wrong foot can be started again. It is a mental shift that allows us to clean the slate and approach anything with fresh eyes, and we can make that choice at any time.

Starting new is most powerful when we focus our attention to what we are choosing to create. Giving all of our attention to the unwanted aspects of our lives allows what we resist to persist. We need to remember to leave enough room in the process of new beginnings to be kind to ourselves, because it takes time to become accustomed to anything new, no matter how much we like it. There is no need to get down on ourselves if we don't reach our new goals instantly. Instead, we acknowledge the forward motion and choose to reset and start again, knowing that with each choice we learn, grow, and move forward.

Making the choice to start anew has its own energy—it's a promise made to you. The forward momentum creates a sort of vacuum behind it, pulling toward you all you need to help you continue moving in your chosen direction. Once the journey has begun, it may take unexpected turns, but it never really ends. Like cycles in nature, there are periods of obvious growth and periods of dormancy that signal a time of waiting for the right moment to burst forth. Each time we choose to start anew we dedicate ourselves to becoming the best we are able to be.

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