The Daily Om

Friday, September 28, 2007

Feeling The Feeling

I finally get it. I've been visualizing my clear mental image of what I want for months now and trying to feel how I'll feel when I finally get it. But no matter how hard I tried before, I just couldn't feel that excitement and enthusiasm and sense of achievement that would come along with living my dreams. Until today. I finally felt the excitement and it changed my whole mood and vibration. While meditating, I visualized something a bit different from the usual and it really clicked. Like maybe this is really meant to be. If it feels this good, then it must be right for me. I can't wait to do this again before bed and I'm going to try to remember to do it again before I get up in the morning. Sometimes I can't remember to do anything before or after I get out of bed, either because I'm still in a sleepy fog, or because I'm being beckoned by my kids. But if I awake before they do, I'm going to give it a shot because I think my whole day will go well if I start off with this feeling. It's kind of hard to describe unless you've already felt it. Just a great sense of well-being. And that puts you in alignment with abundance.

Everyone familiar with The Secret--and who isn't by now?--knows that it's much more than getting that clear picture in your mind of what you want. You've got to feel it and have faith that it is already yours. And now I get it and I'm so grateful. Any time I start to lose that enthusiasm or excitement I'll just conjure up that image. It's working again just thinking about it for a few seconds. Give it a try. Just think of something you'd like to happen and get inside the image. Don't see yourself inside it, just be in it as if it were happening now. Feel the excitement and joy. Then go about your day as if it's already happened. It works, though it may take some time like it did for me. But I think it worked out that way for a reason. My CMI is meant to be. And writing about it also makes it clearer for me.

I also want to thank you for your comments. Most of them are extremely helpful. I hope I can return the favor. Thank you for reading.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Monday, September 24, 2007

Celebrate Your Birthday

Yesterday I had another birthday but I didn't celebrate it. As I woke up this morning, I realized I should have. Birthdays have always been a bit difficult for me and I think it's because I'd always get my expectations so high and then be let down when they weren't met. I would forget that it's just another day to everyone else. So I've come to expect to be let down. And no matter what happens, I feel disappointed by it. So much so that I've sabotaged almost every birthday I can remember for the past twenty or more years. There were a few happy ones in there I'm sure, but I don't remember those. I only remember the bad ones. And I know now that it's my fault they weren't memorable--at least in a good way.

I vow to make next year different. I'm going to celebrate my birthday no matter what even if I have to bake a cake for myself. If you knew me you'd be laughing. I've never baked anything in my life. My mother bakes all the birthday cakes for all the grand kids so my siblings and I have all lucked out there. For some reason that baking gene obviously skipped a generation. Anyway, yesterday I pretty much spent the day alone. My husband took the kids to the supermarket and then to the park. I got some much needed alone time, but I also realized that's not what I really needed on this particularly day. Though I didn't complain because that's what he thought I wanted. The night before I'd told him not to even give me a card--we were fighting. Something I tend to do right around my birthday, therefore making sure I won't enjoy it. It is also only a week after my brother's funeral, so I just wasn't feeling like celebrating. Next year will be different because birthdays are special and everyone deserves to have a good time on theirs.

And why wait? Celebrate every day. I've decided to enjoy this day more than yesterday--even though I enjoyed yesterday as best as I could. I want to have a good time every day from now on. Life is too short to spend it bickering and being disappointed because things didn't work out the perfect you wanted them to. Things always work out anyway. And if you know someone who could use a reminder to celebrate, you can send them a card to remind them they're not alone. Check out my gratitude cards at I created them because I know how much I appreciate cards--especially unexpected cards. And others do too. Send someone a smile and make two people's day--giving feels even better than receiving.

Til next time, be prepared for the best!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Focus On Serving The Universe

It's been a while since my last post. My brother died last Friday and I haven't had any words of wisdom to pass along. Today I read an interview with Wayne Dyer on Beliefnet and wanted to share part of it because I found it very interesting. And maybe it will give you some insight on how to use The Secret to your advantage. For more of his words of wisdom, you can click on the link at the end of this interview.

How can changing your thoughts change your life?
You Can Change How the World Looks at YouThey say when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Einstein once said that the most important decision you'll ever have to make in your life is whether you live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe. And if you're a person who believes that you live in a hostile universe, you're going to be looking for that. You're going to be experiencing that. You'll be seeing it everywhere. You'll become a person who's always looking for occasions to be upset or to be offended or to be hurt, or depressed, or sad, or right, or whatever. If you live in a world that you believe supports you, and is friendly and is there for you, and is bringing you all that you need at any given moment, and all the experiences that you have are perfect, if you just really believe that, then, the things that you don't like you'll just be able to ignore, and the world looks very, very different. Since so much of your work has been about the law of attraction, I wanted to ask what you think about "The Secret."
Why I Turned Down Filming'The Secret'I'm thrilled that the book sales have been so great on this thing. It's really brought people to a new awareness of the power of the mind to create what you want. The reason I wasn't in that movie--I was asked to be--is that I think too much of the emphasis is on manifesting stuff. Manifesting more things. Nothing wrong with stuff and things and so on. But to me the great secret is that when you're giving, when you put your attention on what you really want and then shift to [asking] "How can I offer this to others rather than seeking it for myself?" That's the ultimate secret—the more you give, the more you receive. I wrote a book about the secret long before "The Secret." It's called "Manifest Your Destiny," and it's really much, much more about putting your focus on serving. Like, if you say to the universe, "How may I serve," the universe responds back with, "How may I serve you?" If you say to the universe, "Give this to me," you're coming from a position of shortage or lack. If you say to the universe, "Gimme, gimme, gimme," the universe says back to you what you ask for, which is, "Gimme, gimme, gimme." And you're constantly feeling as if you're never given enough, you know? So, is there an ideal way to ask for what we want?
Focus on Serving the UniverseI think the best way to ask for what you want is to say, "How many I serve?" I have a rule with myself. Which is that I start out every day by doing something for somebody else that they're usually not expecting, whether it's one of my family members or, oftentimes, it's people from around the world--somebody wants me to call them in the hospital, or I send a book or a gift. And the opening words out of my mouth are, "Thank you" when I awaken. I have found that the more I'm able to offer and give as much as I possibly can, that I can't even control how much flows into my life. It just comes in bigger and bigger.
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Saturday, September 8, 2007

Aligning With Abundance

I keep reading about how important it is for your goals to be aligned with your thoughts/feelings and I just figured mine are because I keep thinking about them and trying to feel how I'll feel when I achieve them, which I find much harder than thinking about them. As I was doing yoga this morning I think I finally figured out what all the books are referring to. My two year-old daughter was doing yoga with me and grabbed onto my leg--the same leg that was holding me up into my pose. Even though she was just holding onto it, not pulling or tugging, I felt my body coming out of alignment because my focus was taken away from my breathing and stretching and put onto my supporting leg. My point is that that I now understand what it means to have my thoughts and feelings aligned with my desires. If you're out of alignment, you're out of focus. If you have unresolved pain, anger, resentment, etc. from the past, you're not in alignment with your desires or abundance. And you may not even be aware of it--like I wasn't.

Now I realize why it's taking me so long to get what I want. My desires are not in alignment with abundance because of all my buried emotions that I need to resolve. That's where EFT and The Script come in handy. They're both great tools to get to the root of all those feelings that you might not even be aware of. And if you're not aware of them, how can you resolve them? I'm in the middle of reading "Feelings Buried Alive Never Die..." by Karol K. Truman. A while ago I wrote a post about The Script that I found in Joe Vitale's helpful book "The Attractor Factor." He has a wealth of resources listed in the back of that book and I have a feeling I'll be reading about these issues for a long time. But I also realize they weren't created overnight so they won't disappear overnight either. I've been so impatient waiting for something to happen. This book is helpful to deal with that impatience as well.

So I accept that I'm a work in progress and to get in alignment with abundance I not only have to clear myself of old negative feelings, emotions and beliefs, I need to replace those negative feelings with positive ones. Both The Script and EFT (look for info in my sidebar) are good for that, but it's going to take some time. At least for me. I've heard stories of people healing in only a few sessions, but most take at least a few weeks. The goal is to keep it up and keep up the faith. Then nothing is impossible.

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Raising Your Vibrations

We all send out vibrations to the universe that attract similar vibrations back to you. Are your vibrations in alignment with your desires? What kind of things are showing up in your life? If you're sending out the wrong signals, you won't be getting what you want. I just listened to a podcast by EFT master, Carol Look, and feel so great, I have to share it. Go to and listen to the Ultimate Abundance podcast and discover it for yourself. If you don't already know how to do basic EFT, click the link in my sidebar to visit the emotional freedom technique website and get basic instructions. If you do know it, just go and listen and tap along with Carol at the end of the recording. It's worth a listen even if you don't do the tapping--but I highly recommend it. I really feel like I have raised my vibrations to start attracting more abundance. Sometimes I get this relaxed feeling after getting an energy healing and sometimes all it takes is a couple of rounds of tapping. It's a tremendous release. Go ahead, try it. I hope you feel as good afterward as I do.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!