The Daily Om

Friday, May 16, 2008

Saint Anthony

Here is something I learned from the book, "Quantum Success" that I have to share because it really works. Saint Anthony is the patron saint of lost objects and will help you find what you're looking for when you call on him. Whenever you've misplaced something just say out loud, "St. Anthony, St. Anthony, come around. Something is lost and can't be found." Do that while picturing the missing object in your mind and soon you'll know where to look. This has worked for me every time I've tried it. It took me a while to remember to use this great resource, but now that I know that I can always count on St. Anthony's help, I use it whenever I need it.

This book has several methods of using divine intervention, but so far this is the one that has worked every time for me. It's not like I hear a voice or get a psychic vision or anything. I just know where to look and I'm always right. Even for things my husband has lost. He's pretty amazed that it works so well too. Just be sure to thank St. Anthony and I'm sure he'll keep helping us find those lost keys, glasses, or anything else we need. I am so grateful for this book.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

1 comment:

Lou said...

I haven't read the Book "Quantum Success" and I didn't know about calling upon Saint Anthony, but I do the same thing and it works every time. My husband gets annoyed because I don't run around the house looking for things. I just need to call upon " divine Intervention" or just concentrate on the object like You said and then I usually walk straight up to where the missing item is hidden.