The Daily Om

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Promise of Energy Psychology

This is the title of a book by David Feinstein, Donna Eden and Gary Craig that I am highly recommending. I'm finishing it up now and can honestly say it has changed my life. I can't say that about any other book I've read. Although I have read and recommended many good ones here, this is one that helped me tremendously. It's all about EFT, how to apply it and its many benefits. Check my side bar under "Things I've tried that worked" for more on EFT. It's also filled with information about energy exercises you can do on a daily basis that improve your mood, well-being, health and just make you feel great. I've only been doing them for a few days but they've already made a difference. I am so much happier and little things that used to bother me don't any more. Part of that is because of doing the EFT on targeted problems.

In fact, I was so impressed with this book and learning how to apply EFT to just about anything that comes up, I decided to find a local practitioner to help me. There are none where I live. Suddenly, a light bulb clicked on in my head. And a little voice in my head said: you could be a practitioner and help other people learn to heal themselves. After coming up with many excuses about why it isn't a good idea--which I applied EFT to to eliminate--I've decided to seriously consider it.

While visiting my doctor for a follow-up today, I told her that I no longer had chest pain and palpitations after using EFT for other problems--known as a side benefit. She suggested that I would be good at healing other people too. It was like she read my mind! She says she has a sense about people and that she's sure it would be a perfect fit for me. Talk about synchronicity! So, I'm now convinced that I need to be doing this. I'm going to take the courses and get my certificate to become a practitioner. It's so exciting and scary all at the same time. I've been trying to come up with a way I can help people--besides making my gratitude cards available at my online Karmic Bulldog store Now I think I've finally found it.

I'll keep you posted on how things are going. Til then, I'll be busy learning and "helping" myself and others. I'm experimenting on my dogs with good results so far. After earning my certificate, I'll set up my practice which I'll make available by phone as well so I can help as many people as possible. And then I'll post the number and more information.

Again, I recommend the book and til next time, be prepared for the best.

Friday, February 22, 2008

The Promise of Prosperity

Here is another Daily Om that was quite inspiring. I hope you find it helpful. Enjoy! And I hope you are all living great in 2008.

Promise Of Prosperity
Chinese Year Of The Rat
Chinese New Year this time around is the Year of the Rat, which brings with it the promise of prosperity. The Chinese admire the rat for its quick mind and ability to gather valuables and save them for the future. Since 2008 is the Year of the Rat, the year ahead should offer many opportunities to acquire wealth, as well as the ability to make choices that enable us to provide comfort for a long time to come.

Since the rat sign is the first in the Chinese zodiac calendar, we may feel the energy of a cycle beginning. We may also feel a pioneering spirit that helps us to forge ahead with a completely new endeavor. Looking beyond Western culture’s distaste for rats, we may be able to appreciate their ability to thrive in less than ideal conditions. This quality might offer us hope that whatever challenges we may face will only serve to make us stronger and more able. The rat’s ability to solve problems is well-known, so we can choose to enjoy any challenge that helps us keep our minds sharp while also making life more of a game. A competitive nature may develop within us, leading us to use the rat’s ability to focus on priorities. The rat can also remind us to be less worried about pleasing everyone we meet and more focused on our goals.

We should be aware of the rat’s habit for collecting and not allow ourselves to become so focused that we neglect those around us. Being constantly on the alert for opportunity can be stressful, so we can make the decision to balance our pursuit of prosperity with the enjoyment of good food and atmosphere and the people we trust to offer us both support and space. With the energy of challenge and possibility, the year is likely to be exciting without being explosive. The Year of the Rat is sure to offer the type of enjoyable challenges that will enable us to become all we can possibly be.

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Sunday, February 17, 2008

Appreciation and Gratitude

I'd like to share this little bit of inspiration from Carol Tuttle. It fits in with acquiring abundance since being in a state of happiness and gratitude is so important to receiving our desires. Not to mention that it's great to feel good--and the rest will follow. Enjoy.

Happiness is a "STATE OF BEING".

In today's world we make it a CONDITION.

In BEING HAPPY, only YOU have the power within

These brief and powerful messages are designed to
give you the insight and tools to bring your God
given design of happiness alive in your life and to
use the power God has given you to CREATE a
joy-filled, prosperous life.

To create better health, amazing relationships, and a
substantial flow of money to support your purpose.

Start this week with activating:

The Power of Appreciation and Gratitude

Appreciation and gratitude are two of the most
powerful emotional states we can be in.

Appreciate everything. Express gratitude for every
single moment of your life. The more you create
feelings of appreciation and gratitude, the more
you will attract into your life which you can appreciate
and for which you can feel gratitude.

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations in which we
can be. Look for things for which you can be grateful.

Everyday this week as you are driving along
in the car play the Grateful Game.

Either by yourself or with your family,
share out loud what you are grateful for.

Everything counts. Keep going and see how
big you can make your list.

Write yourself a reminder, "play the Grateful
Game" and put it on your dashboard in your

As you do this you will turn on more of your
Radiant Circuits.

What is a Radiant Circuit? Keep reading I will
teach you about radiant circuits in a few weeks.

Before we get to that I want to spend the next two
weeks helping you shift your energy with mon'ey.

Do you have emotional energy that keeps
coming up and bogging down your life?

We recycle emotional energy from our past
experiences every day of our lives. It is only
coming up over and over again because your
body wants to clear it.

Clear it RIGHT NOW at the NEW and amazing
Carol Tuttle Healing Center.

As a member you have exclusive access to over
85 video and audio sessions.

You'll get monthly open call-in evenings with Carol
where you can get personalized coaching.

Our limited time discounted monthly membership
is only $67

Check it out!

Remember Kelly, happiness is a state of
being that God has specifically designed you for.

You are created to be in charge of your happiness,
no matter the condition of your life.

God Bless You,

Carol Tuttle
Master Energy Therapist, Author, Speaker
Best-Selling Author - "Remembering Wholeness"
Creator of the only website offering EFT sessions NOW!

**Feel freeee to forward this to a friend.

And if you had this email forwarded to you and
would like to subscribe to Carol's weekly "I am
a Creator" email message, just go to

Carol Tuttle

PO Box 900546
Sandy, UT

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

This is a time to send cards of appreciation to people you're lucky to have in your life. I know it's known for lovers and sweethearts, but you don't need to celebrate with a special someone if you don't happen to have one. You can send cards/gifts or just phone calls or e-mails of appreciation to anyone. Kids in particular are grateful for the gesture. What could be more rewarding than giving a child a reason to smile?

So, if you find yourself spending this valentine's day alone, just think of all those people in your life that could use a friendly reminder of why you appreciate them. And also remember, you don't need a special holiday to send gratitude to anyone. Send a card every day and watch your returns start increasing in an abundant way.

Visit for a great selection of gratitude cards and gifts for any occasion.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Thoughts on Thoughts

Here is the latest newslater from Croz.

Thoughts on Thoughts.

I have been concentrating lately on the power of our thoughts, I was reminded of the fact that nothing comes into being without first being a thought. The transition from us thinking we can do something to knowing we can do something is really powerful.

I recall the story of Roger Bannister, the first man to run a sub four minute mile. Up until this point no one believed that this was possible and mentally every runner was programmed to believe this. In effect there was a subconscious belief that a sub four minute mile was impossible. As soon as people heard that a sub four minute mile had been run, the subconscious beliefs and programming in all the other athletes, were changed, and within in the next few years numerous people ran sub for minute miles, slowly improving on the previous time. Do you think Roger Bannister thought he could NOT run a sub four minute mile?

This is proof positive that we limit our abilities to beliefs that are instilled into us by incorrect facts. We actually create what we believe to be the truth. Our entire belief and faith system is moulded by others and we then absorb further information and filter it using the knowledge and beliefs we have to date, most of that knowledge we use to filter the new information being at best incomplete.

We see people in all walks of life doing things that we think are impossible, or think they are lucky, or that they happened to be in the right place at the right time or they had special talents or ability and we relate all these things to what we think. Every one will look at these situations and think totally differently about them, based entirely on what they had allowed in to their programming in the past.

Why is it then, that we programme ourselves to resist information that will give us a better life? There is so much information and study regarding how we can control our lives by controlling our thoughts and yet a majority of people will not even consider trying to change their lives by changing their thoughts.

I have mentioned in recent articles that I have been experiencing a very challenging situation regarding someone who I had really assisted and befriended over a long period, they have really done the most awful things, that you would not expect from a total stranger. During this time it has been my faith in the universe and my ability to control my thoughts that has got me through. I have constantly commented to my wife as to how we would have coped prior to having this new found control.

In my opinion, we try and live our lives in a very disjointed manner, We are physical, mental and spiritual and we are programmed initially to pander to our physical being. There is absolutely nothing wrong with this, but without a balance of mental and spiritual awareness, we create a roller coaster ride of extreme highs and extreme lows.

We have already discussed the power that the mind has over our physical body yet we rarely challenge our beliefs as to its capabilities. We prefer, instead, to look at others and give reasons as to why certain things have, or have not happened.

Almost all biographies of successful people in all fields and all walks of life, give credit to the fact that they had vision and that they believed that they could achieve this vision. They also credit the existence of a power that wants us to have everything we desire. If then, these in some cases, very average people can align things to give them great success, why can’t you?

You know why! You refuse to allow yourself to explore the possibilities and prefer to stick with the life you have, albeit not the life you want. Most of us look on at situations and say ‘ I wish…….’ Not realising that if you bothered to just learn how to control your thoughts you could achieve anything that you want.

OK! I know this is a well worn path, and you have heard this statement and advice wrapped up in a multitude of guises, but I can assure you that you are only limited by you. We are our own best friend, and our own worst enemy. Nothing happens by chance and how we decide to create our life is entirely up to us. A lot of people believe that working hard physically and not treating yourself to the pleasures of life, will in some way earn you a medal to show that you have only taken what you believe you are worthy of.

All living things have an inbuilt desire to be the very best they can be, a plant will grow to its very best using all the nutrients available to it, insects will grow to the best they can and also have a built in will to be a team player all animals will grow and live their life to the full using all available means and facilities, why is it then that human beings have found some perverse logic in restricting their growth physically, mentally and spiritually. It just does not make any sense.

We are told that by thinking in a certain way, we can alter our destiny, and most of us just say ‘rubbish,’ another section say , ‘I will give it a go’, and give up at the first hurdle, and very few follow the guidelines, experience a better life and success to the level that they desire.

Many of you will be familiar with Josh the young lad that I agreed to mentor to earn one million dollars in one year. I agreed to do it and it became a very public affair, as Josh was going to write a regular blog. Armed only with my firm belief that it would happen, I had no idea how, we started and let the universe guide us. Now Josh was working for a company at the time and was in debt, six months into the challenge, Josh has just moved into his second lot of offices, has employed a team of staff, and is now set in his new business to exceed his original desire by the end of the year.

The point here is that Josh had a belief in himself and has just followed the very basic elements of the teachings in The Science of Getting Rich. Although Josh has had guidance, it is purely his vision that has got him to where he is. Follow his journey on

The story of Josh is no different to the story of Roger Bannister, they both simply would not let incorrect programming stop them from achieving their goal.

When we suddenly realise the possibilities that can be created just by us changing our thoughts, what actually drives us to manifest our visions. This is the most important part, the actions we take to realise our vision. Time and again, I get confronted with people telling me how much they have been thinking about getting a new house, but they have not put in any effort to get closer to their goal.

This really is where you have to radically change your programming, because it is no earthly good expecting things to change, if you are not prepared to have faith in the universe to deliver. It is always our doubt that stops the delivery. We say that we are doing everything correctly, but the old subconscious is there in the background, telling you what can and cannot happen, using all the incorrect knowledge that has got you to where you are.

I used an analogy recently about transitional disruption, this is the period when everything appears to be going wrong. The analogy was referenced to renovating a house. When you renovate a house you have a plan as to what you want to achieve, the first thing you do is to rip all the old fittings and fixtures out, and possibly pull down some walls etc.. If someone came and looked at the house in this state they would think that the house was ruined, it is only the fact that you can picture the house finished, that keeps you focused. That is the same as creating your goal, picture it in your mind exactly as you want it to be, as in the renovation keep feeling what it will be like when you get it. If you get to the point where you think everything is going wrong, that is almost certainly all the changes occurring, so keep your faith and move forward.

A lot of people do not find these teachings until they have their back against the wall, and then they try and force things, by expecting immediate results. I am in no way saying that it is not possible to get very quick results, but the mere fact of putting a time frame on your goal, is actually very stressful, and you will be attracting stress back into your life.

It amuses me that we are always prepared and ready to allow bad or negative things into our life, and yet when we are told that using the same transmitting system we can attract good things, we rebel and default to our old thinking.

The ability to think of your vision and hold onto the fact that it is going to manifest, when things are really bleak, is the hardest thing you will have to do. Some people find this easier than others. It took me a very long time to have total faith, but I just used the tiny results I was achieving to boost my faith, and then one day I just said I have to prove this thing one way or another and I went through a very dark period hanging on to a vision of what I wanted and through all the appearances of things going wrong I kept believing that things were going to result in being what I wanted.
Eventually things turned out even better than I had imagined.

My simple message here is that as soon as you stop fighting your thoughts and you get all three parts into harmony, that is physical, mental and spiritual, your life will transform. What some people regard as a miracle is only someone allowing all parts to flow in harmony and allow the universe to do its job.

You can be in total control, the question is, will you allow yourself to be.
What is the next impossible thing that we will suddenly realise is attainable.
Abundance to All
Croz from OZ

This is how the Law of Giving and Receiving works.

Giving is the other side of receiving.
Therefore if you wish to receive anything in your life, you first need to give it.
It is that simple.
If you wish happiness, simply give happiness to the people around you.
If you wish love, simply give love.
If you wish friendships, joy or abundance simply give it to the people around you and you will receive loads of it.

When you withhold your giving, you are withholding your source of abundance.
You are stopping the flow of your own energy and you suffocate.
No wonder I felt joyless and dead when I stopped giving.
Sounds a little too easy, doesn't it?

Where's the catch?

The catch is that you have to give without expecting anything in return.
Giving for the sake of giving.
Only then the flow begins.
The intention behind the giving is the most important.
The intention has to be for the creation of happiness, harmony, peace and joy, as these are fundamental to life.

The reward will be there when you give from your heart and without condition.
Giving should be a joyful act, just as a child bringing a flower to his mother.
Albert Schweitzer said, "The one who gives is the one that receives most".
The easiest way to fulfill your wishes is by supporting others to achieve their wishes.

This principle is true to individuals, organizations, businesses and nations.
If you wish to be blessed with all the good things in life, learn to give a blessing to all that surrounds you.
Even a thought and silent blessing has the power to start the flow of giving and receiving.
Start practicing the Law of Giving and Receiving and watch your life become abundant and joyful.

Abundance to All

Croz from OZ

If you know anyone who would like to receive these news letters please forward this on to them so they can join up on the website

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Becoming Unstoppable

I, like many people, watched the superbowl on Sunday night and was amazed at the unlikely win of The NY Giants over the "unbeatable" NE Patriots. I'm not much of a football fan myself, and quite frankly, I got tired of hearing of how great The Patriots were and how there was no way The Giants could beat them.

Now I'm smiling because The Giants did something that no other team all year has been able to do--beat The Patriots. What does this have to do with aquiring abundance? Well, it's inspiring to see the underdog win in such an exciting way, for one. And if you saw the game, you know about that miraculous play by Eli Manning with less than two minutes to go as he absolutely refused to be brought down by The Patriots and escaped a sack to throw to David Tyree for the catch of the game--if not the decade. We knew they were going to win the game after that. They were unstoppable and determined to win.

I've decided to be unstoppable just like Eli Manning and The Giants. Everyone put them down and said they couldn't do it, but they proved everyone wrong. Now I know that anything can happen if you just put your mind to winning and success. I think The Giants have been watching "The Secret" and putting those principles to good use. Never let anyone tell you that something you want to achieve is impossible. If The Giants can beat the odds, you can too.

Until next time, be prepared for the best.

Friday, February 1, 2008

Get Lucky

Here is an exerpt from "The Certain Way" Ezine from the SOGR network that I want to share. This really hits home with me because I've finally realized that I shouldn't say things like, "If it weren't for bad luck, I'd have no luck at all." Well, I still haven't been able to convince my husband that it's a bad idea to say things like this. But he is improving. If you're in the habit, try this little twist and see if it doesn't help. I know I can't wait to try it out.

Enjoy--and good luck!


You're in a hurry and the light turns red. "Just my luck!" you
say as you smack the wheel in frustration.

Sound familiar?

Stop for a moment and give that some thought. Isn't it odd that
when something we don't care for happens, we CLAIM it as our due?
As if, OF COURSE, that's how it happened? As if that's what we
EXPECTED all along?

Now, if American English isn't your everyday language, this
particular phrase may not be something you use, but I'll bet
you've got an equivalent! ;-D

And these kinds of sayings that seem so "natural" to us, so
harmless, really do point to our underlying expectations. (We've
got a whole LifeLabTM in the Practical GeniusesTM course just
about the words we use so unconsciously.)

Well, someone close to me brought this to my attention the other
day. Rosa had watched a fellow waiting in line at the bank, and
just has he got to the teller's window, the teller said, "I'll be
right back," and took off.

At that moment Rosa thought, if that happened to ME, I'd be
thinking: Just my luck!

But then, she told me, she caught herself: Hey, why does it have
to be something unpleasant or negative that we use that phrase
with? How strange that is.

And so right then she decided to STOP thinking or saying that in
those kinds of circumstances and to BEGIN saying it when things
go just the way she wants!

Great idea!

So all this past week I've paid attention and delightedly noticed
her saying, "Just my luck!" when the light turns GREEN, or the
class she wanted to take still had a spot for her, or she arrived
somewhere early without needing to hurry.

Just my luck!

You know what? It's FUN to do, and it can really give you a lift,
which means it's pointing your thoughts toward more of what you
want instead of away from it. Perfect!

Why not give it a try yourself, my friend?

Changing your thinking is the fastest way there is to change your
"luck" -- the ONLY way.

(And if you think of any other phrases you can turn around in
this way, please post them in the Discussion Forum so we can all
enjoy and benefit from them. Thanks!)

'Til next month ...

Many blessings, and of course --
EXPECT Success! (Of course -- that's just my luck!)


P.S. Hey, when you have a few minutes, check out the rest of the
exciting discussion with Croz from Oz about his wonderful success


Also, Croz has had such success with SOGR, he's now sharing it
with others in a big way. See for yourself (and catch him on
video, too) at:



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