The Daily Om

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Changing My Mind Changed My Situation

It's been a while since my last post. Last week was a bad one for me. Let me rephrase that so it doesn't sound so negative; it was a healing week. I needed to take some time, namely yesterday, to heal with EFT (check the link in my sidebar.) I feel much better today. I also started reading "The Attractor Factor" by Joe Vitale. So far I like what I'm reading. I'll let you know how it works for me. The reason I was having such a bad week was because I let it get to me. My husband just wasn't measuring up to my standards and neither was my business--still no sales and my blog readership took a nose-dive. I was feeling like giving up on everything from my marriage to my online ventures. But I realized that just a tiny mental shift was all I needed to really turn things around.

I had a horrible fight with my husband last Tuesday and I thought I couldn't forgive him and kept thinking that I was finished and we were headed for a divorce. And the longer I kept that thought in my head the worse it seemed. Even he was starting to give up on the idea of a reconcilliation. But as soon as I changed my thought to "maybe this isn't so bad and we can work things out," then things changed. When you change your mind, your energy follows and so do your actions. Everything is all how you look at it. Now things are not what I would call back to normal because they're better. I realize that I have control of my thoughts so I have control of my life. I know I can't change anyone else's mind or control other people, but when I see things as I want them to be instead of how I don't want them to be, it not only makes me feel a lot better, it actually starts moving me toward what I want. I can't believe what a difference it makes.

I still haven't attracted a million dollars to buy our B&B but I did receive some good suggestions from a reader--thank you! And I now appreciate my family--my husband and kids--more than ever. They are what's most important to me. I'm so happy and grateful to have them in my life. And I just read a good line the other day: Wherever happiness is, prosperity follows--or something like that. Not sure of the exact wording but their meaning rings true no matter what. Relationships are so important and need to come first. Then you can work on getting rich. I still don't have any sales, but I've done some research and know that it takes time to get listed in the search engines. So I'm not giving up. I believe in my products--especially my Gratitude cards. Once they catch on, people will keep buying more because they'll see the positive results of sending cards to people for no particular reason. In fact, I'm going to start using them myself. I've already used the sorry cards--it's so difficult for me to say that in person. That's what gave me the idea for the sorry cards in the first place. It's hard to say sorry, so let my adorable bulldog say it for you. Then I figured I could make cards for other occasions as well, besides the usual birthday and notecards, I made some gratitude cards, sending hugs cards, sending smiles cards just to let people know that you appreciate them. Or to stay in touch with someone who may have drifted away. Or to surprise someone who may need a smile or hug. Make someone's day, send them a smile today. In turn you'll be filled with positive energy. Try it. What have you got to lose?

If you'd like more information about my cards, t-shirts, gifts or anything else in The Karmic Bulldog store please visit Thank you!

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Is this cat the angel of death?

This may not be about attracting or acquiring, but it's a news item sweeping across the country today and it happens to have originated right here in my home state of RI. It seems there's a cat at a Providence nursing home that has predicted the death of 25 of its patients. I'm sure you've probably seen the story on the news by now but I find it fascinating so I decided to pose the question of whether or not this cat has some kind of supernatural ability. According to the doctors at the nursing home where Oscar the cat lives, he lies in bed with the patients for the last two hours of their lives. Always the last two hours. He knows they're going to die. But just how he knows is up for debate. The doctors think that he must smell the chemicals that the body produces right before they die. But there are six cats living in the home. None of them know. There have been stories about dogs being able to sniff out cancer, but why only a few?

To me it seems like there is more going on here. Lately I've been doing a little reading about angels and from what I've read, they do not take on the form of people or animals. But there are people who swear that angels do make themselves seen in the form of animals or people. There are also token animals that, according to some people, namely native Americans, show up in our lives to guide us. In the spring there was a hawk that sat in the tree above my head every morning while I waited for my son to get on the school bus. It stayed there for about two weeks and then I never saw it again. My energy healer told me about token animals and said it was there to give me a message. Though, I never figured out what that message was. When I was younger, I remember I had a cat that would always lie with me whenever I was sick. And as much as I adore animals, I didn't like my dog or my cat near me when I felt sick. I never figured out why that was. Then again, when I'm sick I don't really like to be around anyone. It just seems animals do have a sixth sense about people. Like whenever I'm upset, my bulldog follows me around and looks at me. That look always makes me laugh even when I'm down. Guess that's why he's my Karmic Bulldog. Check out my Karmic Bulldog store at and send a smile to someone you care about.

Anyway, as I'm writing this there is another story on my local news about Oscar the cat. A doctor from the New England Journal of Medicine is studying the cat and thinks it just instinctively knows when people are going to die and wants to comfort them. But maybe it is more than that. Maybe the cat is an angel of death and his job here is to give comfort to people in their last hours on earth. Only the cat knows for sure.

Till next time, be prepared for the best. And remember to always be kind to animals, they know a lot more than we give them credit for.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Attracting a million dollars

No, I haven't acquired a million dollars yet, but I want to. And soon. I found the perfect job opportunity for my husband, one that is much better than the one he didn't get hired for last week. I saw this house in the real estate section of my local paper and fell in love with it. It's a bed and breakfast in the perfect location for us with a water view. At first I thought it would be a nice place to live if we were already rich. But then I thought it would be a great idea to keep it as a B&B so my husband could cook (that's what he does) for a smaller crowd and only one meal a day at that. What a great business opportunity. The only problem is the price: $1.39 million. That's a little over a million more than we can afford--at least right now. I know according to Joe Vitale of "The Attractor Factor" and "The Secret," the universe likes speed, but I'm not quite sure how to manifest a million dollars at lightening speed. If anyone out there knows, please share here.

Meanwhile, I'll keep that clear mental image of our dream house (B&B) and keep the faith that it can/will be ours somehow. I keep reading stories about people attracting their perfect houses, some for free, and it gives me hope. Then again, it makes me wonder how they're doing it. What we really need is for someone to buy the business as an investment and let us run it. I'm not exactly sure how the profits would be split, but I know stranger things have happened. We acquired our home improvements without having to pay for them, so why not up the attraction to bigger and better things?

We'll see what happens.

Till next time, be prepared for the best.

Friday, July 20, 2007

Keeping positive when things turn negative

Well, my husband didn't get the job. Needless to say, we're both very disappointed. We were both counting on that job, perhaps a little too much. I just keep telling myself that something better will come along. That's the only thing keeping me going. Things sure change fast in a week. Last week I opened up my new online store, my husband had an interview for a better job with higher pay, more time off and benefits, and I lost five pounds without even trying. Things were going great. Now, a little over a week later, no job, no sales in my store and the weight is still gone, but the elation over it is gone too.

It could have been worse, I know. And, thanks to the help of EFT, I'm looking forward to bigger and better things coming my way. Without EFT, my old way of thinking might have brought me into a deep depression--like I've been prone to in the past. I have faith that people will find my store and buy enough to keep me in business. And my husband will find another job. It's been four years now that he's waited for an opportunity like this to come along, and to have it so close...and then it was gone. We just have to focus on what we do have. Even though he hates his current job, at least my husband is employed with some money coming in. And I enjoy creating my cards and gifts even if nobody buys them yet. It's a fun process and I get to be creative. And we also have our health. When I start to think about it, we're doing pretty good. I have much to be happy about and I am. Sometimes it's hard to convince myself of that. Words alone just don't do it. But I've found meditation helps, as does writing down what I want--and being grateful for what I have, as well as EFT. Today was an emergency session that worked wonders. I highly recommend it for turning negative emotions into positive ones.

It's hard to stay positive when life doesn't go as planned, but it is possible. And I'm living proof. If I can do this, anybody can. Just stay focused on the end result, rather than how you'll get there and you will make it. It may take a little longer than expected, but you'll see the results if you continue to believe in yourself.

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Using The Law of Attraction to lose weight

I've lost five pounds without even trying. All I did was picture myself wearing a smaller size (in new clothes that I love) and concentrated on my ideal weight. Of course, I wrote it down too. And there is something else that has really fast forwarded my progress, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). I've used it successfully for several issues--including a sore throat, headaches and bad moods. Also, when I use EFT, I know I'm getting at key issues that have kept me eating unhealthy foods and not really paying attention to my own health. EFT really has helped with so many things in my life, I can't even think of them all here right now. So I'll just keep posting more when I think of something I've gained from its use. Also, if you visit the website (click the link under things I've tried that worked) you'll find articles on how to use EFT with the Law of Attraction, or The Secret. They're basically the same thing. The thing about using EFT along with The Secret is it just makes you feel better immediately. And it seems to speed up the process of attracting your desires. Or, as I like to say, Acquiring them. Because basically, you're acquiring things or circumstances all your life. Whatever you're concentrating on and giving your attention to, you end up acquiring whether you want it or not.

So, obviously the weight didn't magically disappear, but I've noticed that I don't eat as much at meals. I really can't eat that much at meals. It's like my body won't let me. Because I've given my subconscious mind the fuel it needs to take over and get the job done. That's the way EFT and the Law of Attraction work. Using them both together will speed up the process and make it seem effortless.

Try it. What have you got to lose, except for maybe a few unwanted pounds?

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Open For Business!

Sorry, it's been so long since my last post. I've been busy setting up my store. It's open for business, but I still have a few items I'm planning to add later, so do visit again soon. Things are going really well. It's almost eerie sometimes. I've been writing things down things I want every day, and for the past few days I've written that I want my husband to get some competent help at work because he's been short staffed and stressed out. Well, today they hired someone my husband knows is competent because he used to work there and is returning. And, I've written that I want him to get a better job with higher pay, more time off, a lot more vacation and full family health benefits. Tomorrow he has an interview for just such a job. I'll let you know how that turns out.

Meanwhile, as you can see when you visit my store, the pictures came out great! I absolutely adore the bulldog with flowers picture that I'm using as my logo. I love it so much that I added it to a lot of my merchandise. Including my gratitude cards. I'm planning on sending them to my own family, friends and acquaintances to attract even more abundance into my life. So far, it's working. Who doesn't love getting an unexpected card? Give it a try and see if at the very least it makes someones day. It couldn't hurt to give and get some good karma.

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Acquired a Photographer

My husband's friend from work came over our house today and shot our bulldog--with his $700 digital camera. So I should have some good pictures for my T-shirts, mugs, baby clothes, and of course, my gratitude cards at my new cafe press store. I should have all of them uploaded and the store open for business by next weekend.

We didn't even have to pay for the pictures, so I am attracting good things all the time. Now if I could just get others to do the same, maybe I could really make a difference in the world. Well, I guess that's kind of what I'm doing with the cards.

I will keep you posted--literally--when you can buy them and start spreading the abundance. That way you can get it back to you. Karma is kind of the same thing as The Secret and The Science of Getting Rich. But maybe not so focused on money. It's always better to feel good and that way you'll be attracting more of the same.

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

Friday, July 6, 2007

Welcome to my new blog!

This is an extenstion of my blog, Healing the hardway, at I decided to move to Blogger because there are so many more options here. And I can customize the look of the template. It's so much more flexible! But I'm having a tough time finding a way to write someone to get help. I've only seen forums and groups, and I'd rather e-mail someone directly. If anyone knows how to do that, please leave a comment and let me know. I'd really appreciate it. Anyway, I also appreciate you visiting my blog, so thank you. Remember, it's all about gratitude. If we're full of it (gratitude) we'll get more to be grateful for.

Stay tuned for my new line of gratitude cards featuring my famous bulldog and Boston terrier as well as some cute kids--all happen to be mine.

If you want to read some of my old posts, please feel free to visit Healing the hard way--there's a link on my blog roll. I've also posted a few of them here just to give you an idea of what it's all about. I'm hoping to make this blog more about healing the easy way.

Till next post, be prepared for the best!


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The Secret Works
Okay, I’ve been a bit skeptical of all the much-hyped DVD and book, The Secret, but I tried it and it worked–I think. If you read my previous post about my hellish home repair experience–painted kitchen counters–you know I’ve been going through a rough time. Not to mention losing my brother-in-law and finding out my sister has breast cancer all in the same week. I’m a firm believer in the principles in The Science of Getting Rich–see previous post and links for more information about that free e-book that changed my life. But when life throws curves at you and you’re stuck thinking you attrracted it all (according to The Secret, we attract everything to us even the bad) it gets kind of hard to believe. I mean I just wanted to have nice new kitchen counters, so why did mine turn out to be worse than before? Maybe because I lost confidence in the workers who were in charge. They left my counters a wreck and we didn’t know what to do since there was no more money in the budget to fix it.So, last night, my husband and I watched The Secret again after viewing it once last fall. Well, I decided to picture my counters the way I wanted them, no matter what they currently looked like. Today, I had a call from the contractor saying he’s willing to install new countertops–which is what we wanted all along–on top of our newly destroyed ones–at no cost to us. Wow! I was shocked because this guy had been anything but willing to help us before. Now, without even a phone call from us, he says he’ll fix the problem. And when I called my husband at work to tell him, he told me he got a call for a job interview next week–without having to submit a resume or anything! That was fantastic news because my husband hates his current job. He had been layed off from a great job three years ago and now three new jobs opened up in his fromer place of employment and my husband is first in line to get one. I’m thrilled!Was this some kind of magic because we watched The Secret last night and decided to put it to work? I can’t say for sure, but it is a big coincidence otherwise. I prefer to think that we’re changing our luck by changing our thinking. Of course, The Secret is not the only self-improvement tool I’ve used in the recent months, and I will get into the others in upcoming posts. But this news is too good not to share. Perhaps I should have saved it for my upcoming Healing the Easy Way blog!Until next time, be prepared for the best!
Posted by Karmic Bulldog at 7:36 PM 0 comments
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The Secret Still Working--If I can help it.
We have our new counters–ceramic tile. They look much better than that crappy paint job they left us with last week. And we got them at no extra cost us! The contractor even came to our house yesterday while the guys were finishing up and apologized to me and my husband. We were rather shocked. Maybe he’s seen The Secret too? Anyway, I’m finally free to use my kitchen–when the grout dries.There is one tiny problem, however. Our sink isn’t laying against the countertop like it used to. And our water pressure isn’t as strong. I guess that’s two tiny problems. No major deal, but I’m not sure if I should complain or just let it go. Afterall, we got way more expensive counters than we expected, and they make our kitchen look newer and brighter. But that kitchen sink just doesn’t look right.In The Science of Getting Rich, as well as The Secret, we’re not supposed to focus on what we don’t want or the problems. Only what we do want and what we’re grateful for. Well, I’m grateful for the counters and for getting my house back to normal–almost. I do want the sink to be fixed, and I am trying to picture it the way I want it. It worked for the counters, why not the sink?There’s a long story to why we didn’t have to pay for all this and it was also a stroke of good luck–or just attracting something good into my life by focusing on gratitude. Next time I’ll tell the whole story. Until then, I’m trying to stay grateful to the workers for all their efforts instead of wondering why these people can’t put the sink back to where it was before.
Posted by Karmic Bulldog at 3:20 PM 0 comments

The Secret Works, But You May Not Always Like What You Get
We now have our new ceramic tile kitchen counters and they look great. Especially now that we shined them up with some floor wax. Now we’re waiting for the workers to put the sink back down so it rests on the counter. But the Einsteins who came to fix the leak that they left us with when they popped the sink (same home repair company) said they couldn’t do it. So we asked that the person who popped the sink come back and put it back in right. But I’m not holding my breath. We got the promise from the contractor that they’d be here on Friday so I waited all day and wasn’t so surprised when they didn’t show. This is the biggest team of inept labororers I’ve ever seen in my life. I’ve heard bad contractor stories before, but I don’t even know how some of these people got jobs in this business. My husband has spent most of his nights fixing stuff that they did wrong. And they even had to use my husband’s tools while they were here because they didn’t have their own. Then one of them walked off with all our tools–even the ones in the garage–and also took the clips to our sink so my husband can’t fix it even though he knows how and they don’t. We did get the tools back, but not the clips.They don’t even have their own tools! What kind of home repair business doesn’t even have their own tools?I know, where’s the gratitude for getting all this work done for free, you’re probably thinking. And it is there. We just didn’t realize what a huge amount of work would go into redoing our kitchen counters. And we didn’t know we’d be taking on a do-it-yourself project. If they’d been done right in the first place, we wouldn’t be complaining. We are grateful to have our kitchen back. We’ve had to keep our counters clear for the past 2 weeks and now we finally can use the microwave and toaster in the kitchen.We are grateful for getting a grant to cover our new roof–which was done by professional roofers who know what they’re doing–and kitchen floor and counters. But if I had it to do all over again, I don’t know if I would bother. Maybe after the dust settles I’ll think differently, but this has been one of the most stressful times of my life. And I think if we got to choose the contractor and were paying for it ourselves things would have turned out different.Originally I was totally picturing our new floors and countertops looking great. I just didn’t know what a long and difficult process it would be. That’s the thing with The Secret and the law of attraction, you don’t ask to know how or when, just the outcome. So, I guess in that respect, I did get exactly what I wanted. It’s all in how you perceive it.Next time I hope to have my sink fixed. And just maybe I’ll have more positive news to report. But The Secret does work. Just know that sometimes things get much worse before they get better. In the end it should be exactly the way we want.Till next time, prepare for the best.
Posted by Karmic Bulldog at 3:17 PM 0 comments
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