The Daily Om

Monday, January 28, 2008

Declaring Our Intentions

Here is another Daily Om that I found to be right on target. I hope you find it as interesting and as helpful as I did.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

January 10, 2008
Declaring Our Intentions
Ready For Change
There comes a point in most of our lives when we feel ready to experience a change we’ve had trouble carrying out. Maybe we’ve been stuck in a home, a relationship, job, or a town that hasn’t felt right for a long time, but we’ve been unable to shift our circumstances in the direction we want to go. At times like this, it can help to declare to the universe that we are ready for a change. Think of it as informing a helpful friend that you need her assistance to move to the next level in your life. If the time is right, the universe will respond with opportunities and offers designed to help you create the change you wish to see.

You can begin the process of making your declaration by getting clear within yourself about what exactly you want to change. Whenever we ask anyone for help, they can assist us that much better if we are specific. The universe also appreciates our clarity and has an easier time answering a direct communication than a vague yearning. When you are clear on what you want, write your declaration on a piece of paper and place it on your altar, if you have one. If you don’t, you can also place it under your pillow or in a box on your nightstand. Set aside a period of time every day to be silent with your wishes for change, repeating your declaration like a mantra. This lets the universe know that you are ready to change and will be receptive to its efforts.

Feel free to continue to refine and redefine your declaration, and remember to be open to the many different ways in which the change you seek might come to be. Remember also to be active in your own efforts, taking opportunities that come your way, watching for signs, and always taking responsibility for your intentions. If things don’t happen quickly, try not to be discouraged; it might take time to free up energy that has been blocked and possibly serving a purpose beyond what we can understand. If you continue your conversation with the universe, declaring yourself clearly and openly, you cannot help but experience the magic of changing and being changed.

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Thursday, January 24, 2008

Ask And It Is Given

Here is a snippet from an e-mail newsletter I received today. I must have signed up for it at some point, though I can't recall the name or ever visiting the website. Maybe it's just synchronicity at work. Anyway, it's right along the same lines as I've been posting about recently and I must share it--as I do with everything else I receive that I think is useful. And this just drives the message home more about how the law of attraction works. But more importantly, it talks about being in harmony with our desires, which is so important to avoid what we don't want. Read, enjoy and put it to use as best you can.

Til next time, be prepared for the best!

When you ASK it is ALWAYS Given. Period. No exceptions.

In order to have the things and experiences we desire,
we must be in harmony with them. This is an idea that's
new to most people. It's not something talked about or
generally known in most circles. But it's the KEY to having
EVERYTHING you want in life.

To be in harmony with or a "match" for success, happiness,
wealth, abundance or a great front-row parking spot on
a sale day a Macy's... you MUST be operating at the same
"vibrational" level as what you desire.

It's kind of like trying to tune in Smooth Jazz 94.1 FM by
dialing Country AM 1630. No matter how hard you try, or
how close you listen, you're never going to hear Jazz
from 94.1 coming out of AM 1630. Why? You're not tuned in.

Everything in life works the same. What you experience
depends on where your internal "tuner" is set. And what's
frustrating for most folks is they're trying to listen
to Jazz from 94.1, Oldies from 107.3 and Hip-Hop from
93.3... all at the same time... while they're running
up and down the AM tuner getting nothing more than a
bunch of static.

It’s also why things continue to show up in your life
over and over again... even though you don’t want any
more of it. Because once again, if you’re tuned in to the
country music station you will ONLY ever hear
country music. If you want something different you have
to get in tune with something new!

Is there something you truly desire in your life right
now that HASN'T appeared in your reality yet?

The good news is... It's YOURS... you can have it.
Remember, if you ASK it is ALWAYS Given!

The only thing you need to do to have it sooner is to
get in harmony with it. Dial it in and keep your dial set.

How do you that?

We'll talk about that in the next issue.

Until then, identify what it is you desire and allow
yourself to be open and ready to receive it. Then, be
sure NOT to do or say anything that would send it away.

To Living The Good Life,
Lisa Diane

Monday, January 21, 2008

Connecting With Success

I just read an interesting article about using EFT while visualizing your goals. I've actually read it again after reading about the process last year and I remember that it felt really good to feel what it would be like to have what I desire here and now. And the more I do it, the easier it gets to stay in the moment. Then I start to realize, "Hey, this really can happen." Because if you're like me, sometimes it seems like a quantum leap from where you are and where you want to be. But with practice it becomes more believable.

If you haven't yet learned EFT, go to and at least learn the basic setup so you can tap along while you visualize. There are many great articles you can peruse and find out how to use this great healing tool for unblocking the road to riches. And as I'm discovering, you can also use it as a tool to manifest your desires. But first you need to work on the negative beliefs that may be unconsciously holding you back. I'll post more about this in the future.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Friday, January 18, 2008

Terrific Tees!

I just created a new lens on squidoo focusing on bulldog apparel from my store on cafepress, The Karmic Bulldog. But also where you can buy greeting cards, gratitude cards, gifts and more. Plus, squidoo is a fun place. So go ahead and visit my lens at Let me know what you think. Enjoy.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Do It Now!

Here is another Daily Om that really resonated with me. And I realized that I have to start living more in the present. Not to mention enjoying it too. I hope this is helpful for you too.


January 4, 2008
Now Is The Time
Bloom Where You Are Planted
Having a vision for our future that differs from our current circumstances can be inspiring and exciting, but it can also keep us from fully committing to our present placement. We may become aware that this is happening when we notice our thoughts about the future distracting us from our participation in the moment. We may find upon searching our hearts that we are waiting for some future time or situation in order to self-actualize. This would be like a flower planted in North Dakota putting off blooming because it would prefer to do so in Illinois.

There are no guarantees in this life, so when we hold back we do so at the risk of never fully blossoming. This present moment always offers us the ground in which we can take root and open our hearts now. What this means is that we live fully, wherever we are, not hesitating because conditions are not perfect, or we might end up moving, or we haven’t found our life partner. This can be scary, because we might feel that we are giving up our cherished dreams if we do not agree to wait for them. But this notion that we have to hold back our life force now in order to find happiness later doesn’t really make sense. What might really be happening is that we are afraid to embrace this moment, and ourselves, just exactly as we are right now. This constitutes a tendency to hold back from fully loving ourselves, as we are, where we are.

We have a habit of presenting life with a set of conditions—ifs and whens that must be fulfilled before we will say yes to the gift of our lives. Now is the time for each of us to bloom where we are planted, overriding our tendency to hold back. Now is the time to say yes, to be brave and commit fully to ourselves, because until we do no one else will. Now is the time to be vulnerable, unfolding delicately yet fully into the space in which we find ourselves.

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Monday, January 7, 2008

Creative vs. Competitive Mind

Here is the latest newsletter from Croz. Seems every time something comes up that seems to get in the way of abundance for me, Croz writes about it. This is really informative. Enjoy!

Hi All

I am writing this as a result of many emails lately commenting on the fact that things were not going according to plan for them.

With the vast amount of interest in LOA and associated subjects lately, it seems that there is more confusion than answers. One of the things that seems to be so prominent, is the fact that everyone has gone into COMPETITIVE mode. This is one of the main teachings of Wally, he states quite clearly that you should be CREATIVE not COMPETITIVE. Every time we force an issue whether it be financial , emotional, relationship or absolutely anything, we are subconsciously going into COMPETITIVE mode.

I think that we should all just take a deep breath and have a look at the situation as it is now. I am thrilled that there is a huge wave of interest in these teachings and that so many more people are becoming aware. The problem I have is that no one seems to be telling people about the hard work needed to really understand these teachings and make them work for you.

I used the analogy recently of a gym selling the services of a personal trainer. If they said to you, that the next 8 weeks are going to be really hard, you are going to feel absolutely terrible every morning, your body will ache, how ever you feel we are going to drag you out of bed at 6.00 oclock, your muscles are going to burn, we are going to push you harder than you have ever been pushed and when you feel that you have had enough, we are going to raise the bar and push you even harder, etc… You really would think about signing up. When you are in possession of all the facts you can make a calculated decision. Of course the really COMMITED people would sign up and really benefit, but a vast majority would THINK about it.

That is why when you are making your decision whether or not to use a personal trainer, they only tell you about the benefits. You will look and feel fabulous, “Oh great where do I sign?” It is later that you realise the effort needed and many people fall by the wayside, they are not prepared for the hard work to get to the target. That is the same as the sales and implied benefits of these teachings, no one is telling the truth up front as to what is really involved to understand and learn these teachings.

I can honestly tell you that these teachings when applied correctly and with the knowledge as to how they work, are life changing. The learning curve though is anything but easy. Most people do not realise that their conscious mind does not actually make any decisions, that is all done by the past programming that is stored in your subconscious. Therefore however convinced your mind is about doing something, your subconscious always has something to say. Sometimes you do something against what your subconscious advises and all of a sudden you get a queasy stomach and fell very uneasy. It does not matter if what you do is absolutely correct, if your old programming disagrees you will have conflict.

It makes sense then that we should look at our OLD beliefs and see if they have relevance in our lives today. If they do not, we have to WORK on removing them. That is the hard work that is just the beginning of really understanding. How many times have you started to do something or had an idea and the little voice in your head says, “Don’t be silly, how can you do that , you are just SO and SO from the wrong side of the track, just forget it and get on with things.” We all have and they are just ideas and incorrect facts that have been planted over your life to keep you in line. There are so many things that we believe or have been told, that are just not true. Why then do we still listen to them when we are making a decision?

This is one of the fundamental problems with all these new teaching ideas. They tell you to imagine this or that and dream of some fantastic lifestyle in the future and you can have it just by thinking. That is exactly when your subconscious comes in and tells you all the reasons why you cannot do or have what you are thinking. As I said earlier, the facts are that you CAN have what you want, but you must believe that you can have it and also be sure that it is what you want.

As an exercise just dig deep and find some of the things that your subconscious uses to hold you back, that you know not to be true.

Next time we will have some exercises to find and remove these blockages.


Here is something that you can think about: it wraps up competition and old programming in one statement.

Why is it that if someone who you do not know has good fortune or someone wealthy gets more wealth, we do not seem to care. But if someone we know, especially someone who is on the same social standing as us gets sudden wealth, either by their business or if they win it, we seem to be jealous and are not immediately happy for them.? Be honest when thinking about this!

When your mind is correctly programmed you will not even think about that situation.
The only time to pay attention to any ones wealth, is if they offer to share it with you. At that point be very attentive.

It is a worry isn’t it that even though we know the truth our mind still tells us something different.

Abundance to All

Croz from OZ

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Time For A Fresh Start

Since my last post was about the new year and resolutions, I thought this from the Daily Om would be a good addition. Enjoy!

Starting New
A Moment Of Choice

There are times in our lives that lend themselves to starting something new. The beginning of a new year, finishing school, leaving a job, or changing homes—these all are times that turn our minds to fresh starts. Their advantage is that they bring with them the energy of that event, creating a tide of change around them that we can ride to our next shoreline. But we can choose to start anew anytime. In any moment we can decide that a bad day or a relationship that’s gotten off on the wrong foot can be started again. It is a mental shift that allows us to clean the slate and approach anything with fresh eyes, and we can make that choice at any time.

Starting new is most powerful when we focus our attention to what we are choosing to create. Giving all of our attention to the unwanted aspects of our lives allows what we resist to persist. We need to remember to leave enough room in the process of new beginnings to be kind to ourselves, because it takes time to become accustomed to anything new, no matter how much we like it. There is no need to get down on ourselves if we don't reach our new goals instantly. Instead, we acknowledge the forward motion and choose to reset and start again, knowing that with each choice we learn, grow, and move forward.

Making the choice to start anew has its own energy—it's a promise made to you. The forward momentum creates a sort of vacuum behind it, pulling toward you all you need to help you continue moving in your chosen direction. Once the journey has begun, it may take unexpected turns, but it never really ends. Like cycles in nature, there are periods of obvious growth and periods of dormancy that signal a time of waiting for the right moment to burst forth. Each time we choose to start anew we dedicate ourselves to becoming the best we are able to be.

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