The Daily Om

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Changing My Mind Changed My Situation

It's been a while since my last post. Last week was a bad one for me. Let me rephrase that so it doesn't sound so negative; it was a healing week. I needed to take some time, namely yesterday, to heal with EFT (check the link in my sidebar.) I feel much better today. I also started reading "The Attractor Factor" by Joe Vitale. So far I like what I'm reading. I'll let you know how it works for me. The reason I was having such a bad week was because I let it get to me. My husband just wasn't measuring up to my standards and neither was my business--still no sales and my blog readership took a nose-dive. I was feeling like giving up on everything from my marriage to my online ventures. But I realized that just a tiny mental shift was all I needed to really turn things around.

I had a horrible fight with my husband last Tuesday and I thought I couldn't forgive him and kept thinking that I was finished and we were headed for a divorce. And the longer I kept that thought in my head the worse it seemed. Even he was starting to give up on the idea of a reconcilliation. But as soon as I changed my thought to "maybe this isn't so bad and we can work things out," then things changed. When you change your mind, your energy follows and so do your actions. Everything is all how you look at it. Now things are not what I would call back to normal because they're better. I realize that I have control of my thoughts so I have control of my life. I know I can't change anyone else's mind or control other people, but when I see things as I want them to be instead of how I don't want them to be, it not only makes me feel a lot better, it actually starts moving me toward what I want. I can't believe what a difference it makes.

I still haven't attracted a million dollars to buy our B&B but I did receive some good suggestions from a reader--thank you! And I now appreciate my family--my husband and kids--more than ever. They are what's most important to me. I'm so happy and grateful to have them in my life. And I just read a good line the other day: Wherever happiness is, prosperity follows--or something like that. Not sure of the exact wording but their meaning rings true no matter what. Relationships are so important and need to come first. Then you can work on getting rich. I still don't have any sales, but I've done some research and know that it takes time to get listed in the search engines. So I'm not giving up. I believe in my products--especially my Gratitude cards. Once they catch on, people will keep buying more because they'll see the positive results of sending cards to people for no particular reason. In fact, I'm going to start using them myself. I've already used the sorry cards--it's so difficult for me to say that in person. That's what gave me the idea for the sorry cards in the first place. It's hard to say sorry, so let my adorable bulldog say it for you. Then I figured I could make cards for other occasions as well, besides the usual birthday and notecards, I made some gratitude cards, sending hugs cards, sending smiles cards just to let people know that you appreciate them. Or to stay in touch with someone who may have drifted away. Or to surprise someone who may need a smile or hug. Make someone's day, send them a smile today. In turn you'll be filled with positive energy. Try it. What have you got to lose?

If you'd like more information about my cards, t-shirts, gifts or anything else in The Karmic Bulldog store please visit Thank you!

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

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