The Daily Om

Friday, July 6, 2007

Welcome to my new blog!

This is an extenstion of my blog, Healing the hardway, at I decided to move to Blogger because there are so many more options here. And I can customize the look of the template. It's so much more flexible! But I'm having a tough time finding a way to write someone to get help. I've only seen forums and groups, and I'd rather e-mail someone directly. If anyone knows how to do that, please leave a comment and let me know. I'd really appreciate it. Anyway, I also appreciate you visiting my blog, so thank you. Remember, it's all about gratitude. If we're full of it (gratitude) we'll get more to be grateful for.

Stay tuned for my new line of gratitude cards featuring my famous bulldog and Boston terrier as well as some cute kids--all happen to be mine.

If you want to read some of my old posts, please feel free to visit Healing the hard way--there's a link on my blog roll. I've also posted a few of them here just to give you an idea of what it's all about. I'm hoping to make this blog more about healing the easy way.

Till next post, be prepared for the best!

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