The Daily Om

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Acquired a Photographer

My husband's friend from work came over our house today and shot our bulldog--with his $700 digital camera. So I should have some good pictures for my T-shirts, mugs, baby clothes, and of course, my gratitude cards at my new cafe press store. I should have all of them uploaded and the store open for business by next weekend.

We didn't even have to pay for the pictures, so I am attracting good things all the time. Now if I could just get others to do the same, maybe I could really make a difference in the world. Well, I guess that's kind of what I'm doing with the cards.

I will keep you posted--literally--when you can buy them and start spreading the abundance. That way you can get it back to you. Karma is kind of the same thing as The Secret and The Science of Getting Rich. But maybe not so focused on money. It's always better to feel good and that way you'll be attracting more of the same.

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

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