The Daily Om

Friday, July 20, 2007

Keeping positive when things turn negative

Well, my husband didn't get the job. Needless to say, we're both very disappointed. We were both counting on that job, perhaps a little too much. I just keep telling myself that something better will come along. That's the only thing keeping me going. Things sure change fast in a week. Last week I opened up my new online store, my husband had an interview for a better job with higher pay, more time off and benefits, and I lost five pounds without even trying. Things were going great. Now, a little over a week later, no job, no sales in my store and the weight is still gone, but the elation over it is gone too.

It could have been worse, I know. And, thanks to the help of EFT, I'm looking forward to bigger and better things coming my way. Without EFT, my old way of thinking might have brought me into a deep depression--like I've been prone to in the past. I have faith that people will find my store and buy enough to keep me in business. And my husband will find another job. It's been four years now that he's waited for an opportunity like this to come along, and to have it so close...and then it was gone. We just have to focus on what we do have. Even though he hates his current job, at least my husband is employed with some money coming in. And I enjoy creating my cards and gifts even if nobody buys them yet. It's a fun process and I get to be creative. And we also have our health. When I start to think about it, we're doing pretty good. I have much to be happy about and I am. Sometimes it's hard to convince myself of that. Words alone just don't do it. But I've found meditation helps, as does writing down what I want--and being grateful for what I have, as well as EFT. Today was an emergency session that worked wonders. I highly recommend it for turning negative emotions into positive ones.

It's hard to stay positive when life doesn't go as planned, but it is possible. And I'm living proof. If I can do this, anybody can. Just stay focused on the end result, rather than how you'll get there and you will make it. It may take a little longer than expected, but you'll see the results if you continue to believe in yourself.

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

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