The Daily Om

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The Promise of Energy Psychology

This is the title of a book by David Feinstein, Donna Eden and Gary Craig that I am highly recommending. I'm finishing it up now and can honestly say it has changed my life. I can't say that about any other book I've read. Although I have read and recommended many good ones here, this is one that helped me tremendously. It's all about EFT, how to apply it and its many benefits. Check my side bar under "Things I've tried that worked" for more on EFT. It's also filled with information about energy exercises you can do on a daily basis that improve your mood, well-being, health and just make you feel great. I've only been doing them for a few days but they've already made a difference. I am so much happier and little things that used to bother me don't any more. Part of that is because of doing the EFT on targeted problems.

In fact, I was so impressed with this book and learning how to apply EFT to just about anything that comes up, I decided to find a local practitioner to help me. There are none where I live. Suddenly, a light bulb clicked on in my head. And a little voice in my head said: you could be a practitioner and help other people learn to heal themselves. After coming up with many excuses about why it isn't a good idea--which I applied EFT to to eliminate--I've decided to seriously consider it.

While visiting my doctor for a follow-up today, I told her that I no longer had chest pain and palpitations after using EFT for other problems--known as a side benefit. She suggested that I would be good at healing other people too. It was like she read my mind! She says she has a sense about people and that she's sure it would be a perfect fit for me. Talk about synchronicity! So, I'm now convinced that I need to be doing this. I'm going to take the courses and get my certificate to become a practitioner. It's so exciting and scary all at the same time. I've been trying to come up with a way I can help people--besides making my gratitude cards available at my online Karmic Bulldog store Now I think I've finally found it.

I'll keep you posted on how things are going. Til then, I'll be busy learning and "helping" myself and others. I'm experimenting on my dogs with good results so far. After earning my certificate, I'll set up my practice which I'll make available by phone as well so I can help as many people as possible. And then I'll post the number and more information.

Again, I recommend the book and til next time, be prepared for the best.

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