The Daily Om

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Another year gone and I for one am really looking forward to 2008. Not that 2007 was such a bad year but I have a gut feeling that 2008 will be prosperous for many. Could be because I watched world renowned psychic, Sylvia Browne, on The Montel Show this morning where she announced her prosperous predictions for 2008--including that our next president will be a democrat. That alone is enough to brighten my day. A new year brings so much to look forward to. It's like a new beginning. A chance to start over. Many people make New Year's resolutions and I usually make a couple too, though it doesn't necessarily have to be a new year to make a change. But it can be a good time to make some positive changes since that's when we tend to think of new beginnings. Maybe this year we can reach beyond the typical lose a few pounds, eat healthier and get organized. Although those are good goals to achieve, maybe you could decide to go after your dreams or get in touch with an old friend. Or maybe you could decide to have more fun and feel good about yourself and your life. That's one I plan on putting into effect.

Well, I've got to get back to my New Year's Eve festivities--watching movies with my husband and kids. Now it's time to make hot fudge sundaes! So much for the eating healthier resolution. My days of drinking champagne until the wee hours of the morning on this night have been long gone since I got pregnant with my son 6 years ago. Even though sometimes I long for those days, I wouldn't trade my family for anything in the world.

So have a happy new year and good luck on those resolutions. Try to make ones that will bring you more peace and abundance in every area of your life.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Law of Giving and Receiving

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and is expecting great things in the new year. Here is something that I read in Croz Newsletter--he's a fabulous teacher of the law of attraction and a member of the SOGR network and forum. Anyway, he has some good advice which is similar to a post that I did a few months ago and I decided to post Croz's advice here. Enjoy and until next time, be prepared for the best.

This is how the Law of Giving and Receiving works.

Giving is the other side of receiving.
Therefore if you wish to receive anything in your life, you first need to give it.
It is that simple.
If you wish happiness, simply give happiness to the people around you.
If you wish love, simply give love.
If you wish friendships, joy or abundance simply give it to the people around you and you will receive loads of it.

When you withhold your giving, you are withholding your source of abundance.
You are stopping the flow of your own energy and you suffocate.
No wonder I felt joyless and dead when I stopped giving.
Sounds a little too easy, doesn't it?

Where's the catch?

The catch is that you have to give without expecting anything in return.
Giving for the sake of giving.
Only then the flow begins.
The intention behind the giving is the most important.
The intention has to be for the creation of happiness, harmony, peace and joy, as these are fundamental to life.

The reward will be there when you give from your heart and without condition.
Giving should be a joyful act, just as a child bringing a flower to his mother.
Albert Schweitzer said, "The one who gives is the one that receives most".
The easiest way to fulfill your wishes is by supporting others to achieve their wishes.

This principle is true to individuals, organizations, businesses and nations.
If you wish to be blessed with all the good things in life, learn to give a blessing to all that surrounds you.
Even a thought and silent blessing has the power to start the flow of giving and receiving.
Start practicing the Law of Giving and Receiving and watch your life become abundant and joyful.

Abundance to All

Croz from OZ

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Saturday, December 22, 2007

Christmas Abundance Story

Here is a little Christmas story you might enjoy as the holidays are rapidly approaching. If I don't post again before Christmas--which I probably won't because it's only 3 days away--have a wonderful holiday!

Bob's Holiday Miracle

By Rebecca Fine

"Can I really do this?" Bob asked himself. After all, he'd never even laid eyes on the woman and her two daughters until a few minutes ago, when he'd pulled into the gas station to fill up the tank.

He'd barely glanced at the rustbucket sitting on the other side of the pumps, hood up. Guess she's having some car trouble, he thought as he swiped his credit card and started the gasoline flowing. Lucky it didn't happen out on the highway or on some deserted road in all this rain ...

"Excuse me," came the voice from behind him, startling him out of his idle wondering. The woman smiled a bit nervously and said, "Could you please give us a jump start? The battery seems to be dead."

"Sure," he answered. "I guess so." It's really only a few minutes out of my day, Bob told himself. No big deal. "Let me just get my jumper cables out of the trunk," he said.

A few minutes later, though, it was clear that the situation was going to require more than a simple jump start. "Well," Bob told the woman, "looks like you're going to need a new battery. This one seems to be shot."

The woman's face fell. "Oh," she said softly. "I'm up here from California with my two girls and I don't know what we'll do. I don't know anyone here, and I just don't have the money for a battery. Well, thank you for trying."

Bob stood there in the glare of the station's fluorescent lights, and although what happened next took only a moment, it seemed much longer to him. This isn't just an annoyance, he told himself; this is an opportunity. An opportunity to really PRACTICE what I've been focusing on — a chance to put my faith in abundance into some real action. A chance to do something for someone else that really matters. And a chance to see if I really do have faith in abundance after all.

But maybe it's some kind of scam and she's a con artist just trying to get money out of unsuspecting "good Samaritans" while they're in a holiday mood. Who knows?

Then his thoughts swung back the other way again: Well, it'll be around $100. That's a significant amount of money. It's not that I can't afford it, but it's not exactly like I have extra hundred dollar bills just lying around either, or no other obligations. It'll be a pinch, but ... should I just DO it? Can I? Giving big chunks of money to a total stranger in need — that's not me. At least not the OLD me. But ...

And then Bob heard the words coming out of his mouth: "Look, it's Christmas. Why don't I just buy you a new battery as a gift so we can get you and your girls back on the road?"

"Oh!" The woman's hand flew to her mouth as tears welled up. "Oh, I don't know. That's so kind of you, but it's so much to ask."

"You didn't ask," Bob said. "Let's just go inside and see what they've got." A little embarrassed, he looked down and absently toyed with the battery cables. Hmm, that's odd, he thought. I don't remember the cables being loose. But they were — loose enough that the clamps twisted around on the battery terminals.

"Thank you," the woman said softly. "But let's just try it one more time," she added, and climbed back into her car. Why not? Bob thought, and stepped back to give her the OK.

You've already guessed it by now, haven't you, Gentle Reader? She turned the key and her car started right up!

But that's not Bob's Holiday Miracle, although it probably seemed like one to the woman and her daughters. Bob's REAL Holiday Miracle happened the moment he let go of his old habitual (and usually unconscious) belief in scarcity and took action based on his new faith in abundance.

What Bob learned that cold, wet day — just two days ago — was simply that we ALWAYS have faith and that we always act in accordance with that faith. Faith isn't something we have to acquire. It's just that most of us, most of the time are putting every ounce of our faith into the idea of scarcity rather than abundance and into the belief that whatever can go wrong, will. We can then tend to demonstrate and focus our thought and emotions on THAT faith by uselessly worrying about, well, about virtually everything! (Can't we?)

As the 19th-century American writer and humorist Mark Twain so wonderfully put it, "I am a very old man and have suffered a great many misfortunes, most of which never happened."

The rest of Bob's Holiday Miracle was learning that simply being WILLING — willing to believe and willing to act — was the key (the key that actually started the car!).

You see, my friend, the old saying about giving gifts really is true: It's the THOUGHT that counts!


Rebecca Fine is the founder of The Science of Getting Rich Network where you can download your free copy of the amazing 1910 forgotten classic, The Science of Getting Rich. ©2000 Certain Way

Monday, December 17, 2007

Three Success Keys of Attaining Your Heart's Desires

Here's an article I found helpful and I hope you do too. And I also hope you can take some time to relax and enjoy these busy holiday times.

Three success keys of attaining your heart's desires
By: Basavaraj Udapudi

The one thing that is required to accomplish something worthwhile in life is FOCUS - the ability to hold the imagination of your desire, against all odds, putting forth every effort towards its attainment. Such an activity embodies three powerful keys of attainment as follows.

1) First desire what you want as intensively as you can. The very first requisite for attaining a target is that you must have a burning desire for it. There is a world of difference between a wish and a desire. Wishing is a feeble longing for something. "I wish I had time enough to do so and so'' You wish it but don't strive for the target of your wish and naturally you conveniently forget all about it as soon as the wishful longing passes away. Or at best you give it a half-hearted try and leave it somewhere in between. On the contrary a desire is an intense urge, dire hunger, a persistent tension from which you cannot escape except working for its fulfilment with all your might and strength. So, desire -intense desire-is the first requisite for achieving anything worthwhile. The person with intense desire for his objective thinks day and night, how he can achieve it and accordingly works for it with persistence and perseverance till his desire is fulfilled.

2) Maintain your focus on the target. Focus is sustained imagination of your desire using affirmations. The most effective way to maintain focus on your target is through REPETITION. It doesn't mean doing affirmations all day long.

a) Doing affirmations before you start your day and again when you are ending your day are great. If you have problems during the day that put you on a negative level, do more affirmations. Using this tool during critical periods of doubt can help get you through. Each time you do affirmations, you re-focus your mind to boost your moral and keep you going positively.

b) Manifesting your reality-This means realizing that everything you think, believe or feel, plays a major part in following through with anything you are. What you think determines your reality. The universal principles of life, such as the ones described in the e-book (Success Wisdom) will ALWAYS work, if you just follow through.

c) Monitor Your Emotions-In order to send out the positive vibrations that is an integral part of success, your emotions have to be in check. Feelings that are negative shine above the positive. Negative vibrations are created that send out the wrong message. Attracting the right kind people to help you complete your goal is impossible if the vibrations you are sending are negative. The Astral Color Alchemy Process, (as described in Success-Wisdom e-book) is an effective method to use to eliminate the negative thinking. Thinking of your goals, repeating your affirmations, or remembering a pleasant memory from the past that made you feel really good works for many. You may have to think of some event that was enjoyable or something that made you grateful. Creating positive feelings and emotions about your journey to your "burning desire" will make your trip easier. Put yourself back in sync with your goals in order to continue to gain ground on a positive, progressive level.

3. Drive is the power to continue to move forward from wishing to reaching the object of your desire. Your subconscious has the power to endure the rigors of getting what you want. You help create that power. Nothing in life happens without action. Wishing by itself won't make it happen. It takes following through and keeping the finish line in sight for success to happen.

Article Source:

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Another Energy Healing Option

Here is something that I found very helpful in clearing the old emotions and beliefs that keep us from abundance. If you like this, you can visit for more information about this easy healing technique. Hope you find it helpful.

An Introduction to Zensight
by Carol Ann Rowland, MSW, RSW

What if you could heal yourself of concerns gently and easily, simply by picturing your concerns and allowing them to heal and transform? What if simply seeing yourself being free of these concerns – and experiencing the feelings, thoughts and behaviors that you would like to have instead - had a very real impact upon your emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual health? What if the healing effects that occurred took place on a very deep and permanent level?

The good news is that you can.

Zensight is a self-help energy healing technique created by a psychotherapist who specializes in trauma. Zensight is designed to be gentle, easy to use and of benefit to anyone.

Zensight combines aspects of a variety of other energy healing techniques such as Be Set Free Fast (BSFF), Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), and Universal healing energy, together with elements of Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing (EMDR) and Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP).

Emphasizing the use of visualization together with “healing statements” and focused intent, Zensight activates and engages the energy system and both hemispheres of the brain. Many people experience signs of increased brain activity, such as vivid dreams and imagery, and enhanced visual and auditory acuity, during or after Zensight sessions.

Zensight begins with the selection of a healing symbol. Examples of a possible healing symbol are an image of the ocean, a word such as “release”, or a favourite colour. Anything that is chosen as a healing symbol is fine as long as there are no strong negative emotional connotations to it.

The identified concern is then focused upon, as well as any “picture” that comes up in connection with it. The picture is allowed to transform while alternating focus upon the healing symbol. As needed, the process is supported with the use of verbal healing statements.

What follows is an excerpt from a 30 minute Zensight session with “Verity”. Verity is a woman in her early 40’s. She discussed at the start of the session, a few issues that she wanted to resolve, the most central of which was some chronic pain she had been having in her left hip for the past few years. The pain had been treated through chiropractic care and had gotten better at times but had been worse lately, enough so that it made her feel unable to be as active as she usually would be.

If you focus on these current concerns, is there a picture that comes up for you in relation to them?’s connected with the ability to move forward. There is this image of myself and this energetic wall of ice or glass – it keeps me from moving forward.

What I’d like you to do is just focus on that image, and connect with your healing symbol, and just notice what happens as you do so.

The picture just changes automatically. The wall instantly dissolves and melts. My left leg – the side that has been hurting – just leaps forward - kind of like a ballerina.

Okay. Just focus on that and use your healing symbol.

Amazing! All of the pain in my hip has disappeared! I have a sense of feeling boundless and joyful. I see myself dancing! It’s the dance of life.

If you focus on your left hip now, is there any pain left?

No…there is no pain at all. It kind of feels like there is an “awareness” there of pain that had been there before. However, the pain itself has gone.

“I heal any and all energetic imprint left in this left hip or in any other area of my body, in relation to any of these issues.”

Now picture some healing light going into that area of your body. Is there any sensation left there at all?

No – it just feels wonderful.

We then went on to address two emotional concerns she had also been experiencing.

At the close of the session, Verity mentioned a visual image that had been occurring in the background as we worked. She described seeing a set of blueprints layered over one another and over her hip bone. As she watched, she saw these layers simply flutter up and fly away, until they had fully released and were gone.

At follow up three months later, Verity reported that the hip pain and the emotional concerns that we had addressed were still completely resolved.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I recently read about synchronicity working with the law of attraction and when you want or need something in your life, it will come to you somehow. I love when this happens as it just did to me yesterday. For the past few days my husband has been suffering with back pain and has had a hard time getting around. Also yesterday my daughter developed a severe diaper rash--the worst she's ever had--with bleeding and screaming every time it was time to give her a change. Nothing pains me more than seeing one of my kids in pain. Anyway, yesterday I was catching up on my e-mail and came across the EFT Insights Newsletter which just happened to have an article about curing diaper rash through surrogate tapping. The same newsletter also contained an article about a newcomer to EFT who used it to tap away back pain that had plagued her for 14 years.

That is what I call synchronicity. I surrogate tapped for my daughter and at first I didn't notice much of a difference. But today her rash is just about gone. It usually lasts for days, especially when it gets that bad. I told my husband to tap on his back pain last night and today he's getting around almost as good as normal. EFT never ceases to amaze me. What does though, is that I always seem to forget to apply it to everything. Why not? It works most of the time. And it only takes a few minutes so there really is nothing to lose. If you don't know about EFT or haven't tried it yet, check out my side bar under "Things I've Tried That Work." Click on the EFT link. For those of you who know about EFT, I'm sure this is not news. It's really a great way to feel better and I find new uses for it all the time. There are more recent discoveries that I'll get to in a future post. I just wanted to show how the law of attraction is always working. I wanted to help my loved ones feel better and I found a way at the exact time I needed it.

Lately I've been making a strong effort to stay in the vibration of my desires. And I think I'm succeeding and this proves it. By the way, I've been able to align myself with the higher vibrations by using EFT as well. Check out the website. You'll find a wealth of information on how to use it with the law of attraction as well as many other helpful uses.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Here is another Daily Om about clearing your energy. It's tempting to let a bad day get us down, but it's good to know that we don't have to and can start fresh any time we want. Enjoy.

November 26, 2007
Brand-New Day
Inner Sunrise
When today is not going well, it is tempting to focus on tomorrow as a blank slate with all the possibilities that newness provides. It is true that tomorrow will be a brand-new day, but we do not have to wait until tomorrow to start fresh. We can start fresh at any moment, clearing our energy field of any negativity that has accumulated, and call this very moment the beginning of our brand-new day.

There is something about the sunrise and the first few hours of the morning that make us feel cleansed and rejuvenated, ready to move forward enthusiastically. As the day wears on, we lose some of this dynamic energy and the inspiration it provides. This may be why we look forward to tomorrow as providing the possibility of renewal. Many traditions consider the light of the rising sun to be particularly divine in its origins; this is why so many people in the world face east when performing ritual. We too can cultivate that rising sun energy inside ourselves, carrying it with us to light our way through any time of day or night, drawing on its power to awaken and renew our spirits.

One simple way to do this is to carry an image or a photograph of the rising sun with us in our wallet or purse. We can also post this image on our wall at work or at home, or have it as our screensaver on our computer. When we feel the need to start fresh, we can take a moment to gaze at the image, allowing its light to enter into our hearts. As we do this, we might say out loud or quietly to ourselves, I am ready to let go of the past and start anew. We might visualize anything we want to release leaving us as we exhale, and as we inhale, we can take in the fresh energy of the eastern sun, allowing it to light the way to a brand-new day.