The Daily Om

Monday, December 31, 2007

Happy New Year!

Another year gone and I for one am really looking forward to 2008. Not that 2007 was such a bad year but I have a gut feeling that 2008 will be prosperous for many. Could be because I watched world renowned psychic, Sylvia Browne, on The Montel Show this morning where she announced her prosperous predictions for 2008--including that our next president will be a democrat. That alone is enough to brighten my day. A new year brings so much to look forward to. It's like a new beginning. A chance to start over. Many people make New Year's resolutions and I usually make a couple too, though it doesn't necessarily have to be a new year to make a change. But it can be a good time to make some positive changes since that's when we tend to think of new beginnings. Maybe this year we can reach beyond the typical lose a few pounds, eat healthier and get organized. Although those are good goals to achieve, maybe you could decide to go after your dreams or get in touch with an old friend. Or maybe you could decide to have more fun and feel good about yourself and your life. That's one I plan on putting into effect.

Well, I've got to get back to my New Year's Eve festivities--watching movies with my husband and kids. Now it's time to make hot fudge sundaes! So much for the eating healthier resolution. My days of drinking champagne until the wee hours of the morning on this night have been long gone since I got pregnant with my son 6 years ago. Even though sometimes I long for those days, I wouldn't trade my family for anything in the world.

So have a happy new year and good luck on those resolutions. Try to make ones that will bring you more peace and abundance in every area of your life.

Until next time, be prepared for the best!

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