The Daily Om

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Focus On Serving The Universe

It's been a while since my last post. My brother died last Friday and I haven't had any words of wisdom to pass along. Today I read an interview with Wayne Dyer on Beliefnet and wanted to share part of it because I found it very interesting. And maybe it will give you some insight on how to use The Secret to your advantage. For more of his words of wisdom, you can click on the link at the end of this interview.

How can changing your thoughts change your life?
You Can Change How the World Looks at YouThey say when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change. Einstein once said that the most important decision you'll ever have to make in your life is whether you live in a friendly universe or a hostile universe. And if you're a person who believes that you live in a hostile universe, you're going to be looking for that. You're going to be experiencing that. You'll be seeing it everywhere. You'll become a person who's always looking for occasions to be upset or to be offended or to be hurt, or depressed, or sad, or right, or whatever. If you live in a world that you believe supports you, and is friendly and is there for you, and is bringing you all that you need at any given moment, and all the experiences that you have are perfect, if you just really believe that, then, the things that you don't like you'll just be able to ignore, and the world looks very, very different. Since so much of your work has been about the law of attraction, I wanted to ask what you think about "The Secret."
Why I Turned Down Filming'The Secret'I'm thrilled that the book sales have been so great on this thing. It's really brought people to a new awareness of the power of the mind to create what you want. The reason I wasn't in that movie--I was asked to be--is that I think too much of the emphasis is on manifesting stuff. Manifesting more things. Nothing wrong with stuff and things and so on. But to me the great secret is that when you're giving, when you put your attention on what you really want and then shift to [asking] "How can I offer this to others rather than seeking it for myself?" That's the ultimate secret—the more you give, the more you receive. I wrote a book about the secret long before "The Secret." It's called "Manifest Your Destiny," and it's really much, much more about putting your focus on serving. Like, if you say to the universe, "How may I serve," the universe responds back with, "How may I serve you?" If you say to the universe, "Give this to me," you're coming from a position of shortage or lack. If you say to the universe, "Gimme, gimme, gimme," the universe says back to you what you ask for, which is, "Gimme, gimme, gimme." And you're constantly feeling as if you're never given enough, you know? So, is there an ideal way to ask for what we want?
Focus on Serving the UniverseI think the best way to ask for what you want is to say, "How many I serve?" I have a rule with myself. Which is that I start out every day by doing something for somebody else that they're usually not expecting, whether it's one of my family members or, oftentimes, it's people from around the world--somebody wants me to call them in the hospital, or I send a book or a gift. And the opening words out of my mouth are, "Thank you" when I awaken. I have found that the more I'm able to offer and give as much as I possibly can, that I can't even control how much flows into my life. It just comes in bigger and bigger.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You should order Karol Truman's tapes which are available on her website. Although your energy is working because I was attracted to this site you will find the tapes help to replace your old thoughts much quicker...I wish you the best and may God bless you and surround you with positivity.