The Daily Om

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Be A Love Finder, Not A Fault Finder

This was the advice given to me by my energy therapist last night and I thought I'd pass it along. I have a tendency to be a perfectionist and as such, I can't help but find fault with just about everything. And I don't like this but it's something I've always had to live with--up until now. Those words, be a love finder, not a fault finder really made me laugh. I guess because it sounded silly at first. But the more I thought about it, the more sense it made to me. If I'm constantly finding fault with things, people, circumstances, I'm not fully enjoying what's good about them. Or the good things about myself. There is good in everyone and everything--if I choose to look for it. But I won't find it if I'm concentrating on what's wrong.

So today as I was cleaning the kitchen floor, which I always complain about because it seems to be a dirt magnet, instead of lamenting about my husband, dogs or kids bringing the dirt in, I said those words in my head. You're a love finder, not a fault finder. Even as I write this it makes me smile. Something about those words make me laugh. And if I'm laughing, I can't be complaining. It takes me out of the moment and makes me think about what's good, or why I love my family. This has been a helpful tool for me so far, and I intend to keep thinking of those words whenever I find something to criticize. It reminds me of all the things I have to be grateful for. As I'm sure you already know, the more gratitude you have, the more you'll attract into your life to be grateful for. And for some reason, the phrase makes me laugh. Maybe you will too. Why not give it a try? I hope you find it to be of benefit. If it doesn't work for you, why not try finding something else to make you laugh? It works. Laughing beats complaining every time.

Till next time, be prepared for the best!

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