The Daily Om

Monday, November 26, 2007

More On Being Thankful

Here is a message from The Daily Om that really sends the thankful message home better than I can, so I'm posting it here. I keep seeing this same message about being grateful even when things aren't going as well as you'd like. If only we can remember this when we need it most.

November 22, 2007
Beyond Counting Blessings
Being Truly Thankful
Often when we practice being thankful, we go through the process of counting our blessings, acknowledging the wonderful people, things and places that make up our reality. While it is fine to be grateful for the good fortune we have accumulated, true thankfulness stems from a powerful comprehension of the gift of simply being alive, and when we feel it, we feel it regardless of our circumstances. In this deep state of gratitude, we recognize the purity of the experience of being, in and of itself, and our thankfulness is part and parcel of our awareness that we are one with this great mystery that is life.

It is difficult for most of us to access this level of consciousness as we are very caught up in the ups and downs of our individual experiences in the world. The thing to remember about the world, though, is that it ebbs and flows, expands and contracts, gives and takes, and is by its very nature somewhat unreliable. If we only feel gratitude when it serves our desires, this is not true thankfulness. No one is exempt from the twists and turns of fate, which may, at any time, take the possessions, situations, and people we love away from us. Ironically, it is sometimes this kind of loss that awakens us to a thankfulness that goes deeper than just being grateful when things go our way. Illness and near-miss accidents can also serve as wake-up calls to the deeper realization that we are truly lucky to be alive.

We do not have to wait to be shaken to experience this state of being truly thankful for our lives. Tuning in to our breath and making an effort to be fully present for a set period of time each day can do wonders for our ability to connect with true gratitude. We can also awaken ourselves with the intention to be more aware of the unconditional generosity of the life force that flows through us regardless of our circumstances.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

What Are You Thankful For?

At the risk of sounding like a cliche, I'm going to put that question out to you today since tomorrow most of us in the US will be celebrating Thanksgiving by stuffing ourselves with turkey and mashed potatoes. I don't know about you, but I tend to get caught up in all the dinner prep and worrying about what to wear and who'll be at dinner to remember to be thankful for all the things that matter. That is, up until now. Today I realize how grateful I am for my kids. Even though they make my life "challenging" sometimes and keep me busy and occasionally a little frustrated, I love them more than anything and I am literally blessed to have them in my life. I'm also grateful that I have a house with beautiful property that we bought before the real estate boom--meaning we could almost afford it. We live in the northeast where the home prices are over inflated to the point where in RI, you need to make at least $48,000 to afford to buy at the low end of the market. So, I am always grateful that we bought this house when we did. It's a beautiful place to live. There are a great many more things I have to be thankful for, but I'm not going to list them all here. These are the ones that are really important to me.

Yesterday I found out I was in charge of making mashed potatoes for our family Thanksgiving dinner at my sister's house tomorrow. I've never made them before and now I have to make them for 25 people. My husband is the cook here (another reason to be grateful), but he has to work tomorrow, so I have to fill in. I was rather alarmed at first, but now I see it as an opportunity to learn something new. I'm grateful to have a place to go and celebrate as well as enjoy a delicious meal. Not everyone has that option. But even those that don't have a warm meal to share with family and friends will find something to be thankful for if they look. Your health or the roof over your head or even getting a day off of work--if you're lucky enough to have it. Seek and you shall find. I know, another cliche. I didn't say I was grateful for my originality.

Anyway, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving day and keep in mind all the many reasons you have to be thankful.

Until next time, be prepared for the best.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Live Like The Red Sox

My favorite team won The World Series in the same fashion they did three years ago. After losing the first three games, they had one more chance to keep their season alive in the playoffs. Most people had given up on them, fans included, even though they were in the exact same position the last time they were in the playoffs. I didn't give up because I knew if they could do it before they could do it again. And they went on to win the next seven games to take The World Series. It was almost surreal yet expected at the same time. Though, that last game was a real nail biter as they won 4-3.

What does The Red Sox winning The World Series have to do with Acquiring Abundance? They have a winning attitude that got them where they are. If we could just do the same with all our goals, who knows what we might accomplish. It's so easy to give up when the odds are against you. Take my online store for example. I've yet to make a sale--except to myself because I love my stuff--but I'm not giving up. Though it is tempting at times since I don't have anything to show for all the work I've put into my cards and designs, but I do feel that it's worth my time because I enjoy it. And I believe sending gratitude cards will help get positive energy moving in the right direction for me and anyone else who tries it. It is hard sometimes, but I keep thinking about The Red Sox, my hometown heroes. They don't care what others think of them. They only go out and do their best. I remember Manny Ramirez saying in an interview during the playoffs that if they didn't win, it was no big deal. People ripped him apart over that, but I do think it's the right attitude. If you think that your whole life is ruined because you fail at something, then you're just going to cave and not keep trying. Believe me, I've been there many times. If I can just relax and go with the flow while doing the best I can, I'll be okay. Most likely, better than okay.

We all have the power to be like The Red Sox. When things look bad, don't give up, yet don't think that you're a total failure if you lose a few along the way. Manny and the boys from Boston have so much fun doing what they love so they see great results. I want to live like The Red Sox.

Til next time, be prepared for the best.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Energy Sweeping

Here is another issue of The Daily Om I found fascinating and I like to pass along anything that has to do with energy clearing and making room for abundance. I'm definitely going to try this and see if it works. Enjoy.

November 5, 2007
Releasing and Welcoming
Energetic Sweeping
In some of our lives, sweeping has become an activity performed without much thought. In many cases, sweeping is a lost art, replaced by the noisy, efficient vacuum cleaner. But in several cultures and religions, sweeping the front and back porch every morning is regarded as an important cleansing ritual that prepares the ground for new energy on every level—physically, spiritually, emotionally, and mentally. It is often employed to sanctify a space and prepare it for a ceremony. This seemingly simple action has the power to clear away the old and make space for the new. It stirs up the energy in a place, clearing out the astral buildup that is the natural by-product of the presence of humans.

This kind of sweeping is not about cleaning the area of dust. In fact, the broom doesn’t have to actually touch the ground to be effective. You might want to consider having two different brooms, one you use for cleaning dust and dirt, and one you use for energy clearing. If you are so inspired, you could decorate your broom by carving its handle, painting it, decorating it with gemstones and ribbons, or any other creative adornment that appeals to you. You can also make your own broom out of tree branches and twigs, or choose a naturally appearing broom from nature, such as a pine bough.

Sweeping each morning prepares the ground for the new day at the same time as it deepens our awareness of the importance of letting go of the past to welcome the present. As we clear the energy of our space, we clear our own energy systems. In addition, we create a space that feels clean, clear, and open to all who enter. Be sure to think welcoming thoughts as you sweep, manifesting what you need for the day. Making sweeping part of our daily ritual tunes us into the continuing cycle of releasing the old and welcoming the new that is the hallmark of a healthy energy system.

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Today's friend of OM:
James Twyman has just updated his popular on-line course, Spoonbenders Course 2008 in which he teaches a step-by-step method of bending spoons with your mind. As part of this process, you will discover specific energy centers of the body that can help perform "miraculous" feats - an ability that can then be applied to healing the world.

For more information visit

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by By Meredith L. Young-Sowers

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